Topic: UFX Latency: 88.2kHz vs 176.4kHz

Hey Guys....

when using TMFX at DS or QS are there differences in the monitoring output latencies? and when using the onboard FX - eq/comp does this induce further delay in the signal chain?

Could you please be so kind as to answer the following two scenarios for me -

Scenario 1 - 1 Mic about 15 cm away from acoustic guitar > UFX Mic 9 > TMFX > Channel EQ & COMP > UFX Hardware output 1&2 = Time to acheive? this?

Scenario 2 - Instrument Pickup > UFX TS inst 9 > TMFX > Channel EQ & COMP > UFX Hardware Output 1&2 = Time to Acheive?

Scenario 1@88.2 =
Scenario 2@88.2 =

Scenario 1@176.4 =
Scenario 2@176.4 =

Thank you So Much for your help - BTW We Love the UFX So much that we are seriously considering getting another one! - 1st Class Engineering *****