1 (edited by coachz 2011-07-14 20:15:54)

Topic: changing buffer size from DAW

How come in Reaper when I change the buffer size (request Block Size), it doesn't change my 9652 please?  Is there a way to make it work?



Re: changing buffer size from DAW

That is not supported in our driver (for good reasons). Change the buffer size in the card's Settings dialog.

Matthias Carstens

Re: changing buffer size from DAW

Thanks for the reply.  My goal was to have a button in Reaper to go between Tracking (low latency) and Mixing (high latency).  It seems like a great  way do it if it was possible.  So this is not something that is desirable to add to the driver ?


Re: changing buffer size from DAW

If you are on windows, you can do that easily with the hdsp utility in systertray. Click on it and change latency. At least here in cubase there is no reason to go into the daw settings. OK it is not a butoon in reaper but it is only 2 clicks.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: changing buffer size from DAW

Thanks but my goal is still to do it inside my daw

Re: changing buffer size from DAW

MC wrote:

That is not supported in our driver (for good reasons).

Just curious: what are those reasons? I have half a dozen interfaces in the house, and RME is only one that doesn't support this. For a company with such a good reputation for drivers, it's surprising that RME is the odd man out here.

MC wrote:

If you are on windows, you can do that easily with the hdsp utility in systertray. Click on it and change latency.

Right, but this is another area where the RME driver behaves oddly. If I change the buffer settings in even my cheapy Behringer interface, when I come back to Reaper, those changes are immediately reflected. That makes changing buffer setting a few clicks. With the RME interface I need to open the Reaper audio settings and close it, essentially reinitializing the driver, for the setting to take effect. That means I need 6 clicks to change the buffer settings: open audio settings, click ASIO config, click buffer drop down, click new setting, click OK on the buffer dialog or click back on Reaper, click OK on audio settings.

If the RME driver supported the host requesting a block size, that goes down to two clicks.


Re: changing buffer size from DAW

Eric Tetz wrote:

another area where the RME driver behaves oddly. If I change the buffer settings in even my cheapy Behringer interface, when I come back to Reaper, those changes are immediately reflected. That makes changing buffer setting a few clicks. With the RME interface I need to open the Reaper audio settings and close it, essentially reinitializing the driver, for the setting to take effect. That means I need 6 clicks to change the buffer settings: open audio settings, click ASIO config, click buffer drop down, click new setting, click OK on the buffer dialog or click back on Reaper, click OK on audio settings.

If that is the case then the fault is in Reaper. Our driver sends kASIOResetRequest on buffer size and sample rate changes, and the host is required to then initiate that reset sequence (dispose flush buffers and so on). I have a dozen of applications that do it correctly...

Matthias Carstens

Re: changing buffer size from DAW

REAPER does this perfectly fine here. No need to open audio settings after buffer size change.

But I agree: But I also think that support for buffer size change requests from DAW could be a nice thing to have for some. For security reasons there could be an advanced setting in DSP settings to disable those requests in case it gives troubles.


Re: changing buffer size from DAW

Dandruff wrote:

REAPER does this perfectly fine here. No need to open audio settings after buffer size change.

Thanks, I was already wondering...

Matthias Carstens