Topic: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

Hi,  Any help appreciated - woke up this morning to finish a project, and when opening cubase - an error pops up saying that the ASIO setting has changed:

"The ASIO sample rate has changed"

ASIO sample rate:     44.1 KHZ      pull up/down   off
Project Sample rate:  48 KHZ        pull up/down   off

Do you want to adjust the project settings, or allow project to run at different sample rates?

I made no changes to the aio card before this.  and now, the aio does not play back any sound,  i get no meters in Cubase when playing audio or midi files.  When i switch my asio driver in Cubases Device setup to Asio full duplex driver (the onboard driver) - the system works fine, sounds, meters, etc.  I have updated to the latest RME AIO driver 3.2.4 and the latest FUT.  Reinstalled cubase and have latest Cubase update (same i had before) and nothing has helped.  I have removed AIO card, reinstalled with 3.2.4 drivers and no change in behavior.. please help!  thx in advance!

windows 7 pro 64 bit
Cubase 6.0.2 64 bit
quad core
8 gigs ram

Re: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

Are you using the AIO for system sound output maybe and have that set to 44.1 kHz?


Re: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

Something connected to the AIO digitally?

Matthias Carstens

Re: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

no connections digitally, no, did not have the aio set to system sound output... it has worked flawlessly for a year and then turned on yesterday and the problem has occured... im thinking of trying different pcie slot.. is there a way to test the AIO card to make sure its working correctly.. many thx for your quick replies!

Re: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

Hi guys, just an update: Nothing digital is plugged in to the AIO card.. the card shows 44.1 at the moment, but even when I change it to 48k and open a project that is 48k, it still gives me the same error... I tried my east/west Play in standalone mode and also windows media player and Quicktime Player with my AIO as the sound card in control panel, (hardware and sound, and set AIO as the default device) - I get no sound and no meters in the mixer... Thx!

Re: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

another update:  tried a different pcie slot with no success.....thx

Re: AIO issue- no sound in Cubase 6

Have you managed to sort this I am having he same issue. After using RME for be hole and now getting this I can hardly use Cubase and becoming very frustrating