Topic: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in.....

Is it possible to use one pre as a mic pre gain turned up and phantom power.....and feed the output straight back well thru say a external compressor in to the other pre with gain turned down to zero so it acts as line in ?

Havent got a babyface yet so havent tried it...


Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in.....

Well, to me (and it may be better for  a RME person to answer this) if you have a input into AN1 and run back out on AN1 and do that and plug into AN2, you still will need input and gain to make it work on both inputs. I think that may be possible although I have not tried it, and there is the TotalMixFX program that perhaps lets you do that with its routing it can do.

But it be better to have the RME guy or gal answer it.

Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in..... it possible to set the levels of the 2 mic/lines separately?? ....or does the level knob control all at once ?.....Just to clarify ..I would want to connect a mic to one input & set its level to a moderate level, take its output to feed my external compressor which would bring level up & feed compressors output to the second mic/line in, BUT with level turned way down to zero (As I read here that if its set to 0 the mic pre will have little effect)...

Thanks for reading

Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in..... it possible to set the levels of the 2 mic/lines separately??

Both mic preamp gains are independent.

best regards

Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in.....

Thaat good........So are we saying this is possible .......thanks

Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in.....

Well, I bought a studio channel strip which has compressor, tube sound, equalizer and I use that between my synth and babyface inputs (which the studio channel strip also takes a mic). I would say that after looking at the TotalMixFX program that each of the two analog input channels have a separate 48 volt button on them while the analog 2 channel also has the separate "Instrument" button on it for plugging in a guitar on the side of the babyface near the headphone jack.
I suppose they have the manual for the babyface somewhere here to download and perhaps look at, but flexibility is not a problem with the TotalMixFX program and routing.

Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in.....

You only be running mono instead of stereo, and I always use stereo (which is also done with the TotalMixFX program) on the inputs. (it can be mono or stereo also, but there is only Analog 1 and Analog 2 inputs or two inputs.)

Re: Inserting compressor between babyface pre & its other line in.....

I mean only two analog inputs besides the rest of the inputs with ADAT or SPDIF inputs.