1 (edited by Johann 2011-07-30 20:06:49)

Topic: HDSP Drivers freeze Reaper

I have a major Problem on my new PC. It runs Win7 64bit. I am running 2 stacked RME Hdsp Interfaces (Multiface 2 & RPM). Also there is an older M-Audio 2496. Reaper 32bit & 64bit are both installed. The following Problem appears on both Versions:

When I activate the RME Hdsp Driver in the preferences first I am able to work in Reaper as always. But after some time (sometimes a few minutes, sometimes after 20minutes) the cursor stops at its current position and everything freezes. After that I am not able to do anything. No Task Manager or the like... Only thing I can do is a hard reset

Problem doesnt occur when I use ASIO4all. Using the ASIO4all, it is only possible to use one of the RME Interfaces. But most of the time I need the outputs of both of them together!

I tried another DAW (FLStudio) but there everything was fine.

Already tried several Setup option. Reaper Preferences / RME Setup. No Success.
I really hop this can be fixed!

I tried the latest drivers and also the version before, which alway worked on my old PC.


Re: HDSP Drivers freeze Reaper

Due to missing synchronization the RPM can not be combined with other interfaces. They will run out of sync after some time. That might lead to unexpected behaviour from the driver as well.

You should be able to use the MF or the RPM alone if the software allows to disable all ASIO channels of the respective device (the unused one).

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP Drivers freeze Reaper

Are you sure? The manual said it is possible to sync the RPM via Midi-Clock (MTC). So I connected the RPMs Midi-out to the Multifaces Midi-in and send a MTC Signal out of Reaper to the RPMs Midi-out. Shouldnt that work?

Whe I cut the Midi-connection between the interfaces I get clicks and glitches after some time. But with the connection the audio signal sounds fine. So I assume the synchronization over Midi is working fine.

Nevertheless, I'll try disabling the channels of one of the interfaces.

Re: HDSP Drivers freeze Reaper

MTC can not replace proper (physical) sample rate synchronization.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs