Topic: Strange problem with Hdsp Hammerfall Cardbus + Multiface ASIO drivers
Hi guys,
when i use the ASIO driver ( either 3.08.5 and 3.08.6 ) in Reaktor 5 and MaxMSP 5.1.8 i have an aliased sound no matter what buffer/samplerate combination.
if i use the same ASIO driver in other application ( Live 8.2.2, Reaper 4.0, Bidule even if i load inside ReaktorVST and in Live some Max4Live devices ),
the sound is ok.
if i use MME/WDM drivers on every application everything is good.
if i use other audio cards ASIO drivers ( i.e. Maudio Transit ) everything is fine.
any clue?
i'm on Windows7. i remember not to have that problem with previous drivers
thanks and best regards