Topic: Fireface UFX - Presales questions about USB and front Preamps
Hello RME friends!
Before purchasing a FF UFX I need some more information about it. I searched over this forum and on the internet without any luck
1) Does this unit is "USB audio class compliant 2.0" (which allows multitrack audio stream 24bit@192KHz such as the Lynx Aurora LT-USB, see here for usb audio standard) and "USB MIDI class compliant" (see here for usb midi standard) ? Do you plan, through firmware updates, to make it compliant with usb standards?
2) Does the preamps are pure class A ? Is the preamp circuitry all discrete or using chips ? What Op-Amp is in use in the preamps if any ? What chips are using in the preamps if any ? What kind of preamp design are you using (balanced, twin servo, input / output transformer or transformer less...) ? Are they comparable to premium gear such as Millennia HV3C, SSL 9K or are they just above main stream gear such as Presonus (which has pure discrete class A preamps), Motu, Digidesign 003 etc...) ?
3) Is it possible to use the "field recording option" DURec for stacking multiple tracks (i.e. First, we record some guitar track, then we record drums simultaneously while playing back the guitar we first recorded) ?
Best Regards,