Topic: Fireface UC: Today, still better performance on a Mac compared to PC?


I have been working on a Windows machine with Fireface UC and I'm thinking of getting a new DAW. I don't want to start the odd discussion, whether Mac oder PC is the better system, but I want to know if there might be a reason to change to Mac from the Fireface UC perspective. The product website of the Fireface UC has some information about "tested systems" ( … uc_general), which seems quite old to me.

Has anyone been able to compare the Fireface UC performance of state of the art PC and Mac systems with respect to latency and CPU loads? Is there a big difference still?


Re: Fireface UC: Today, still better performance on a Mac compared to PC?

Hi...same question than Hatti...

Re: Fireface UC: Today, still better performance on a Mac compared to PC?

There is no significant difference. Just use the latest system with the software of your choice.

best regards