Topic: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

Hi guys

unfortunately my try with the search function didn't lead me to any post who really explain my problem, hence a new post.
I have 2 Multiface II (1 got broken, bought a new one and later fixed the old since I read somewhere you can sync the two units even if you only have 1 PCIe card).
I tried to sync the two via ADAT Lightpipe, but without success.
I'm kind of lost... can anyone point me to some how to or tutorials please?


Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

thanks for this.
SO I don't need to have a BNC cable if I synch via adat, if I understood correctly.

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

I still have a couple of questions. I'm not in town now so i couldn't try yet but:
-will one optical cable going from the ADAT OUT of the master Multiface to the IN of the slave Multiface enough, or do I have to have a second cable as well going from the OUT if the slave into the IN of the master?
-Can I use the ADAT Lightpipe for BOTH ADAT Signal AND wordclock?
I plan to send the 8 ADAT to the slave MF and have them routed to the 8 analog OUT.
I was also thinking about buying some PCI to PCMCIA adapter, as I still have the PCMCIA cardbus i was using on the laptop but I don't have any free PCIe slots in my studio computer.  IN this way I wouldn't have to re-do the routing and the disconnecting-reconnecting every time.
The model I'm looking into is this one: … cts_id=451
I has Texas Instruments controller, (1410), would be this a good idea?


Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

-Don't know if that adapter works.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

Again, thanks a lot Jeff.
I'll try saturday.

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

I'd forgo the bridge board and second PCMCIA HDSP card IMNSHO.  Try to keep the "Standalone" Multiface powered on, and it will retain its settings until it eventually loses power.  Re-configuring the "standalone" MF and re-connecting the primary MF takes a minute or less (save a Totalmix preset for the extra MF wink ).  NTM, the secondary MF and the PCMCIA-to-PCI adapter card will still be detected under RME's unified driver - so if the bridge card has any issues you can bank on those issues having a detrimental effect on overall system performance.

I tried one of those PCI-to-PCMCIA cards with an RME PCMCIA HDSP card, and while I got it to work, the system's ASIO latency performance and scaling was horrible compared to the same PC with the native PCI HDSP card.  I'm sure there are some bridge boards that offer acceptable performance, but the small trade-off of potential issues to convenience-factor are nil IMO - so why risk the performance and cost penalties when the time penalty is relatively small?

However, A UPS would be a good idea IMO (always a good idea!) cool

2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

I haven't ben able to use the second multiface as an ADAT DA converter.
I guess I'm setting something wrong. I connected the slave card to the computer, loaded the routing (ADAT 1-8 to out 1-8), set it as slave, set the syncro via ADAT, disconnected it.
the green ADAT led was lit, but also the red led HOST ERROR.
I forgot to take home the printscreens of the settings I made to show you how I set up things, I'll do that in the next days in the hope someone can point me in the right direction.
If I will manage to have it running I'll do a step by step guide which can maybe be useless to other users.
Also considering a second PCI Card... I really want to expand my analog outs since I got a nice sounding desk I want to use to mix OTB.

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

for the life of me, i can't get the two MFII to work togehter...
what i do is:
power up the computer
disconnect the main unit
connect FW cable from pcie to the slave unit (which is premanently connected to the power trasnformer so that it stays powered ON), set it as follows: AutoSync, ADAT IN (Pref. sync mode), load a preset of the total mix (preset 2 in my case) with the routing ADAT 1-8 routed to analog out 1-8, disconnect the card.
connect FW cable from pcie to the master unit, load the totalmix preset (1 in this case), set the master unit to Master.
OF course a lightpipe cable is connected from the adat out of the master unit to the adat in of the slave unit, the cable is brandnew a never been used before, it works 100% since i see the red light out of it.
I even tried to send sync via spdif with a proper cable but nohting happens.
even teseted the unit which i want to use as slave, it works.
Last time i tried i got to get the red adat led lit, this time not even that.
pretty clueless on how else should I set the stuff, is there any official step by step documentation somewhere about it?

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

Make sure you are enabling "Disconnect Mode" in the HDSP settings dialogue before you yank the HDSP cable from the "standalone" Multiface - you will also need to provide power to the standalone MF before you yank the HDSP cable...

Then, plug in the other Multiface, and disable "Disconnect Mode" - it should re-detect and you are off and running.


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

hi randyman

thanks for your post.
i do click the disconnect mark in the HDSP settings before i disconnect the FW cable. The power unit is also permanently connected to the slave unit.
I'm really clueless at the mo... I'll provide screenshots, maybe it's something wrong in the routing of totalmix also.

thanks anyway

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

sorgenkind wrote:

I'll provide screenshots, maybe it's something wrong in the routing of totalmix also.

thanks anyway

That's my guess.

What do you get for Sync Status in the HDSP Dialogue box once everything is connected properly?


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: 2 Multiface II w/ 1 PCIe card - HOW TO synch

I'll forget about the whole issue, I won an auction for a PCI card (it went for 82 CHF, more or less 70 €) so I'll install it saturday in the studio computer and I'll be hopefully OK!
thanks anyway for the support.
it's good to know that after buying RME equipment there is a place like this where support excels.