Topic: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Actually i have on the Adat-In a Focusrite 828 with digital option.
My SPL Goldmike MK2 Premium and UA 6176 going into the analoge inputs 1-3 of
the Multiface. Because the ad-converters of the multiface are not really up to date
i am looking for an alternative converter/interface.

I could go for a Fireface 800, but i am not convinced of the firewire technic.

The Adi-8QS is very interesting because he has AES-Inputs suitable to the 828, but
to expensive.

Can anybody give me an advice?


Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Yes converter quality has improved somewhat over the years, but I´m not convinced things would really improve for you. RME converters have always been very neutral. Are there any recording or mixing problems you hope to solve? Do you have the idea that when you listen to the goldmike or UA in the analogue domain, something is missing after recording it digitally? If not, why better converters?
If you feel you do need better maybe a ADI8 DS?
Good luck!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Hi! Yes, i think there is a hearable difference between the analog output of one of my preamps and the recorded signal.

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

OK better converters it is then :-° . What do you use for DA? Also the multiface? If you can do with only 2 ins and outs, I have heard good things about the ADI2 too----

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Yes, i use the Multiface for DA to the KH O300D monitors.
Ok, with the ADI2 i can go with coax spdif into the Multiface from the SPL.
And the 6176?

6 (edited by vinark 2011-09-19 12:41:13)

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

You will need some kind of patching system to use the spl and 6176 with an ADI-2 (and only one channel of spl when using the 6176 of course).
Otherwise maybe a second hand ADI-8DS, although I´m not sure how much better it will be. I really like the DA of my ADI-8AE which is identical to the DS (but the AE has lesser AD). I use mainly VSTi´s for composing so AD is less critical for me.

On another note, I don´t know if you need everything at once, but you get best AD results from the MF1 when running on internal clock. So if in a situation you are not using the focusrite, it is best to set the rme to internal clock.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Hi! I always wanted to set the MF to master-clock and the 828 as slave. Do you think it is not recommended to to so?
I cannot test it, because the ad-converter is outstanding.

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Sorry, not 100% sure what you are asking....

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

I know the Multiface runs best as master/internal clock. You wrote in situation i am not using the Focusrite it is better to set the Multiface to internal clock.
And i wanted to run the Focusrite ALWAYS as slave with the wordclock from the Multiface.

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Sure that is fine. Although in a situation where you are using only 828 inputs you might set that as master for ever so slightly better results. That is dependent on how good the 828 is at clocking externally.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Multiface I - upgrade to better ad-converters

Ok, i thank you very much for your help and sorry for my english, i am from germany.

I dont know if i anytime use the 828 alone. First i have to compare the soundquality of
the three preamps. I am still waiting for the adc-card for the Focusrite.
Yesterday i tested them with a headphone and was very impressed of the 828.
The 6176 sounds so different on different settings, so it is difficult to compare.

Maybe i buy a second (used) Multiface an a good ad-converter with Adat-out´s...