Topic: Babyface: what AD and DA ADAT interfaces are you using with it?

Question: what are forum members using on the ADAT port?

A to D - options I see are the Focusrite Octopre, Presonus, and RMEs own preamps - so many choices.

D to A - I don't see many options for this at all - this would be useful for external out to summing mixers or for 5.1 set up

(Use babyface for laptop/mobile jobs but could use more expansion in the studio)

Any feedback appreciated.

many thanks

Re: Babyface: what AD and DA ADAT interfaces are you using with it?

The interfaces you mention are all AD/DA devices.
If you are using separate AD and DA units then the AD need to be master clock and your DA needs to be able to receive clock form ADAT.
Many DA's only sync via WC input so check carefully if you you are buying independent AD and DA.

I don't know how many Mic -pres you need or if you just need line level I/O.
The UFX will also act as a great stand alone AD/DA. You will get 10 analog Line level between the ADAT and SPDIF connections of the Babyface. 4 of those channels can also be Mic Preamps.

The RME and Focusrite units will work fine if you are running run just as a DA since they both can be reliably clocked via the ADAT.
The Presonus although technically able to sync via ADAT seems to work best when running as master or synced via WC.

If your using the UFX in the studio you can leave the Babyface plugged in since they share the same driver it will just show up as more I/O with the ASIO driver.
All the I/O from both devices will be usable. Most likely even your laptop will easily be able to handle both devices being plugged into USB and running.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: Babyface: what AD and DA ADAT interfaces are you using with it?

I have been using the MOTU 8PRE with no issues. It syncs well via ADAT.

It is good to know that the BabyFace and UFX can work side by side.