Topic: optical convert and samplerates

so i bought this cheap lindy analog tot optical converter.. but it seems to just check on 48000 standard and non changable.. whilst my project in ableton are 441000..

will this be a proplem for the babyface processor wise or sounDquality wise..

Re: optical convert and samplerates

please anyway.. will it affect the babyface performance or sound when the ad converter is clockewd at 480000 and the babyface @ 44100

Re: optical convert and samplerates

You can't do this. Both must operate at the same sample rate, which means the Babyface has to sync to the converter, operating at 48k only. It will not affect the quality of the Babyface AD/DA.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: optical convert and samplerates

the thing is it works... and it syncs (i mean the sync light shows right)..


Re: optical convert and samplerates

Open the Settings dialog and check that it says SYNC constantly...

Matthias Carstens

Re: optical convert and samplerates

it does. on the software panel. o nthe babyface itself it blinks sync.

i have the sync on internal @ 44100.

so i m good like this?!

Re: optical convert and samplerates

No, this configuration is incorrect. You simply can not use this converter while working with 44k projects, sorry.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs