Topic: Driver suggestion (a small brick) :)
I'm facing a couple of problems I'd like to know if is there any possibility to correct this in the driver. Please excuse me if somehow are pilot error , but I have to ask.
I have an iMac (pretty new) and run Logic. The interface is a FF800 but I also have an Apogee Rosetta800 (FF800 as master via WC). Logic's audio preferences has a parameter which lets you add a positive or negative delay (in samples) to the recording. In my loopback tests I've found that with the FF800 analogs optimal value is 0; but to properly record a loopback with the Rosetta (via Lightpipe) requires a value of +12 (@44.1). This and the fact that also during playback there is a small time difference between both converters outputs leads to a lot of problems I don't know how to solve:
Can't really use all 16 channels of inputs because 8 of them will be recorded at a non optimal place early or late... it depends on which setting you choose. only solution I see is move the recordings by hand or change the setting all the time to match the converter you'd choose. I also tried a digital loopback with the value of 0 and it ended recorded early...
Can it be possible to add a delay parameter in the driver to adjust digitals with analogs?. Or split the driver in parts each one reporting its own value.
one more:
I mix in analog and I find disturbing how the outputs are numbered in the Fireface.... In my mixer is channel 9 but in FF800 is 13.... and so on... Is it possible to have an option to rearrange the output numbers in the driver?. I know... I can re-route in Totalmix.
I don't know if this is even remotely possible technically, but I'd like to know