Topic: Babyface Hi-z not so high = potential issue?
I'm about to get a new audio interface and the Babyface is a strong contender.
However, I noticed that its Hi-z input has an impedance of 470 kOhm, whereas many other interfaces sports 1 MOhm or even 2 MOhm (the Duet 2).
I'll be DI'ng bass guitars and guitars with passive pickups of various kinds and am a bit worried that 470 k might be a bit too low for optimal results. Then again, I guess raising the impedance above a certain point might not yield significantly better results.
I realize that a quality DI box -> line input would probably sound superior with most every audio interface, but I wanna keep my setup as compact as possible.
I'm especially interested to hear if anyone's A/B'd the Babyface and the Duet 2, with a DI'd guitar and bass guitar, with passive pickups.