Topic: FF400 Playback Mixdown???

Hello everyone!!!
I have FF400 and CuBase 5 and i would like to use playback for Mixdown:
As i understud, FF400 haves 18 internal playback channels, so it means i can make a 9 stereo buss in CuBase and send it to this 18 channels in totalmix.
Now the problem is that i cannot see this playback channels from Cubase when i make Bus, only i can see is Phisical inputs or outputs.

In Ableton i saw this is possible, so deos anybody know how i do this in CuBase?

Re: FF400 Playback Mixdown???

No, Cubase (and any other software) only sees the top row (input) and middle row (playback) in the RME mixer.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: FF400 Playback Mixdown???

and Ableton live can see this? This is strange sad

Re: FF400 Playback Mixdown???

No... Ableton will also access the software playback channels (middle row). The hardware outputs are not directly accessible.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: FF400 Playback Mixdown???

I think you just see a difference in the way each software names the channels, not any difference in operation.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.