1 (edited by jaadoo 2011-10-15 08:49:54)

Topic: Buffer size 1024 ?


Unless I don't put the buffer size as high as 1024, I get CPU spikes, crackles and artifacts using cubase.
Is this buffer size NORMAL for this application?

By the way, I get occasional system shut down/restart, while FF400 is in use.

Thanks for any clue.

Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

No :-)

But computer specs and interface type would be nice.


Various ADK computers :-)

3 (edited by jaadoo 2011-10-15 08:15:52)

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?


Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

alexoosthoek wrote:

No :-)

But computer specs and interface type would be nice.

As in MB model, video card model, firewire chipset model etc.

Has it ever worked? What driver/firmware version are you using etc.

Isaac P

5 (edited by jaadoo 2011-10-15 18:35:04)

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

Intel Board DH105CLB3
Graphic ATI Radeon HD 4850
Belkin FireWire 3-Port PCI Express Card (SKU: F5U504EA)
FF driver v. 3.034 ,Hardware version 1.70, Driver date 17.12.10

It never worked properly under 1042 buffer since I got my new system.

Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

6 (edited by jaadoo 2011-10-15 21:29:15)

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

I updated today the driver to 59, now getting jumpy vst performance indicator at 256 buffer half a way and at 512 buffer 1/4 of the full load. I guess these values  are normal, are they?

Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

Why are you using the PCIe card, which according to google does not have a TI chipset?

Did you try THIS  ?


Various ADK computers :-)

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

alexoosthoek wrote:

Why are you using the PCIe card, which according to google does not have a TI chipset?

Did you try THIS  ?

According to the WEB it has XIO2200 TI chip set. That's why I bought it.:)

Already tested with DPC running under 500us with ASIO up and under 80us with ASIO off. I think it got lot better after update. I keep you posted. It doesn't crackle even with 256 buffer, but taxes CPU to ca 50% easily. Just wondering, if it's normal with moderate count of tracks and plugs activated.

Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

Hi Jaadoo,
I do not see this motherboard listed on Intel's web site. Double check the name.
Have you optimized your system for audio use?
Here is the best site for doing this.

Most likely it is Windows not being tweaked, BIOs settings or a motherboard driver interfering with the RME card.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

10 (edited by jaadoo 2011-10-16 10:22:06)

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

Hi Chris,


MB is DH67CL   http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ … pkw=dh67cl

Done the tweaks. Not much change.

How can a BIOS problem or MB driver incompatibility be tracked down? There are loads of parameters!

Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

Oh, did I mention that FF400 doesn't let cubase to close, or the PC to go to sleep?

Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?


For the Bios check and alter if needed these settings.
Make sure you are using the latest BIOs before making any changes.
BIOs Update Instructions

I will PM you BIOs setting that should work for this board.

For Windows make sure you are using the latest driver for the all the on on-board components that are enabled in the BIOs.
With the USB 3.0 controller make sure the latest driver and Firmware are installed for it.
Make sure you are using the latest AMD/ATI driver from AMD/ATI's web site.
Switch the firewire controller to legacy Mode. Depending on a motherboard and/or devices design using the legacy driver can improve performance of Firewire devices.

In Cubase make sure that Release Driver in background is un-checked,

If your system is properly setup for audio then the sleep functions will not work as expected. Power settings that involve some of the sleep functions are disabled if you followed the tweak settings correctly.
If you are not using your system for extended periods of time turn it off. Every one has time to wait a minute for the system to boot up or shut down.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

I followed all the instructions on optimization and my system is much more stable.


Win7 64bit
Fireface 400 with latest FF driver and firmware
i7, Intel board,8GB RAM
Cubase 5.5 64bit

Re: Buffer size 1024 ?

jaadoo wrote:
alexoosthoek wrote:

Why are you using the PCIe card, which according to google does not have a TI chipset?

Did you try THIS  ?

According to the WEB it has XIO2200 TI chip set. That's why I bought it.:)

Already tested with DPC running under 500us with ASIO up and under 80us with ASIO off. I think it got lot better after update. I keep you posted. It doesn't crackle even with 256 buffer, but taxes CPU to ca 50% easily. Just wondering, if it's normal with moderate count of tracks and plugs activated.

Oops, must have missed that hmm

Good to hear you got it working.


Various ADK computers :-)