Topic: No Firewire or PCMCIA port in all the recent laptop
I've got a Fireface 400, bought in 2007.
It works perfectly, but, as I have to change my laptop, it's impossible
finding one with the firewire or with the PCMCIA port.
Is it possible to find a sort of adapter from Firewire to USB?
Otherwise I'm in a total dispair and also a little bit disappointed.
I can't accept to purchase such a product for 850 euros and to loose
after a couple of years any possibility to use it!
It works perfectly, even with Real Time software like MaxMSP, Cubase and
so on.
I can't even accept to be obliged to use my old PC forever, to avoid to
change my audio device.
Is there anybody who could kindly help me to solve this problem?
It would be a delusion for me if there would not be a solution to this
Thank you very much