Topic: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

hello guys~~ i am very new to RME product so i dont know if i've done anything wrong during set up

But the LED lights on the FF 800 looks fine and the volume meter in my FF 800 setting seems to pick up the signal from my mic

but...after i open logic...and set the input device to fireface 800, nothing happens..

when i try to record audio signal was picked up by logic pro.

my Mac seems to pick up my audio signal too.

can you guys please tell me what is going on here?? why cant my logic pro pick up my fireface 800's signal??

many thx~~~

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

You see the input signal in the Fireface mixer (TotalMix) and choose this channel as source for the record track in Logic? If correct you should see the meters in Logic also moving.

best regards

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

hi Knut~~ thank you for the response~
so when you say totalmix, do you mean the fireface mixer? or totalmix

coz in my mac..there are the 2 different program here....and my Totalmix is not responding so...maybe the problem comes from over there~

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

TotalMix = Fireface mixer.

Don't forget to install the latest drivers and firmware for the Fireface 800 from the website - don't use the ones from the CD.

best regards

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

hmm.. I am using latest firmware and latest version of fireface mixer

and when i say its 2 different program i meant..i can open fireface mixer and totalmix at the sametime... and both of them will be on my dock..and they have different icons too. ;o

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

I see. This not responding "TotalMix" is not for the Fireface 800. It's for the Fireface UFX. The Fireface mixer is the Fireface 800 TotalMix. You can delete the other TotalMix app.

Do you see the meters in the correct Fireface mixer when you play a signal?

best regards

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

okay i deleted the totalmix~ and the mixer i have now is called 'Fireface mixer (A0C)' to be exact..and yes it reads my mic signal. i have the fireface 800 hooked up to the mic on channel 7. phatom powered..... and it reads the signal perfectly...... so i really am stucked here =[
please help~~

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

It works. Just choose the correct input channel in Logic to record this signal. You should see the meters in the Logic track moving if your mic channel is assigned to this track.

If not please post a screenshot of the Logic audio settings and the Logic mixer.

best regards

Re: fireface 800 input problem?? or is it logic pro's fault?

yes~~ it worked~~ thank you for the help!!!
im just a noob =p

thanks anyways