Topic: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

When i'm tracking in protools and i press spacebar to stop recording there will sometimes be a pop noise embedded into the end of the audio region.   
I will post a picture below to show this.  Now this does not happen every time i stop recording but about 50% of the time and the noise can be very loud. 

[img align=L][/img]

Now this has happened in both Protools 9 and 10.  Also with the 3.63 driver for the Raydat and the previous driver as well.  I tried the Asio4all driver with Protools and i could not get Protools to make the pop.  So that's why i assume it is a problem with the Raydat card.  I have done all the windows 7 tweaks as well.

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

I forgot i made this thread as well a while back.  Same problem and has never been fixed.

Other thread about this same problem.

I also have moved the Raydat card to a new Pcie slot and same problem.  I find it funny that with a different Asio driver i do not get the problem.

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

There is no known issue of such a nature, I'm afraid. Also, the card or driver are not involved in the actual recording process, audio is being delivered to the application regardless of whether it is being recorded. Do such cracks also appear in mid-recording or during monitoring?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

Nothing happens when i'm recording its only when i hit the spacebar to stop recording and not every time either about a 50/50 shot.  This does not make the sound until playback but the sound is in the audio region.  I'm going to try and unhook everything that is connected to the card and see what happens. 

So why does this only do it with the Raydat card and not the Asio4all driver?

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

Can you reproduce this with any other audio software?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

I just tested this with nothing hooked up to the raydat.  Still have the same problem.  I also tried the Asio4all driver again with about 50 record and stops and not one noise.

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

RME Support wrote:

Can you reproduce this with any other audio software?

Daniel Fuchs

Let me try i think i have Studio One installed still.

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

Does not happen in Studio One.  Must be a Protools problem then?

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

I can test this with a PCIe MADI card later today...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

10 (edited by Joshua Wickman 2011-12-21 21:23:34)

Re: Raydat: Pop noise at the end when i stop recording.

I went through the motions with Avid and they said it was on your end.  When i say motions i mean being on hold for a hour and then spending days trying things for them with no results. I have even went as far as changing my video card to a Protools supported card and also changed my ram to supported ram for my motherboard.  Still no fix. sad

Not sure what we can do next. Any Idea's?