Topic: connecting and clocking the octamic D too my Fireface 800
Please walk me through slaving/connecting my octamic D too my FF800. Where does the BNC cable hook on the FF800? where should the dip switches be on the Octamic? I want to record at use all 8 channels on the octamic for drums... plus my ff800 channels also... Please give me step by step instructions... Also I was wondering about the optical cables themselves? I want to set this system up for the best sound and recording quality possible I am new to clocking and optical setup... Should I be set to consumer or professional? on the ff800 ASE I have no idea? I am running a Asus pc i7 windows 7 ultimate 64bits. should I be running the ff800 at 192kh for the best recording quality or does it limit my tracks and is there dithering involved with mixdown? vs 44.1? I want to get the best possible recording quality from both units so all your information on how to achieve that would be awesome and I would be very grateful thank you so much..
Another question are:
how can I know BNC cable is working right, because there is no any work status on the control panel from ff800, or lights where I can see if it is cloking or not?
In total mix, what will bee inputs for Octamic?
Fron total mix will be possible to route any octamic input to any octamic output as in ff800? if it is possible, How can I do it?
Thanks a lot and Best Regards