Topic: Why can't I access Adat1 (1+2) in my current Raydat setup?


I have a Windows PC running Windows 7 64bit with the Raydat card.  I am currently using Adobe Audition 1.5 and a Panasonic WR-DA7 digital mixer with 3 ADAT cards.  All Adat, Spdif and AES channels appear in the software with the exception of Adat1 (1+2).  Is there something that I am missing here.  My goal here is to record and playback track for track on my mixer but this missing Adat1 (1+2) is hanging me up.  Is it my ancient software or is this the Raydat?


Re: Why can't I access Adat1 (1+2) in my current Raydat setup?

It's called Loudspeaker.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Why can't I access Adat1 (1+2) in my current Raydat setup?

Thank You!