Topic: HDSPe AIO Breakout/Mixer Advice


I am looking to upgrade from an m-audio Delta 44 to a RME HDSPe AIO.

However I am slightly confused as to the best way to connect it up. Could anyone recommend an external mixer that I could use? Would I need to buy one of the breakout cables to hook it up or is there another way?

At the moment I am connecting my Delta 44 to an analog Allen & Heath mixer via balanced 1/4 jacks. I am going to be upgrading to Cubase 6 as well so I was also thinking about the Yamaha MR816 CSX.

All input appreciated. Thanks

Re: HDSPe AIO Breakout/Mixer Advice

The AIO only has a stereo analog I/O the rest are digital. To keep everything balanced then you need our balanced analog breakout cable for the AIO. You will then need XLR to TRS balanced cables.

If you want 4 analog I/O like you have on the Delta 44 then The Fireface 400 or Fireface UC would be the best option. Depending on how many Mic pre-amps you need you would not need to use the A&H mixer at all. The FF400/UC have 2 very nice Mic-Amps built in. You would only need the external mixer if you were trying to use more than 2 MIcs. The FF400/UC have 6 analog live level I/O so you can easily route channels from your mixer if you need more Mic-pres.

All of the Fireface series interfaces are designed to have performance on par with PCI/PCI-e interfaces.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: HDSPe AIO Breakout/Mixer Advice

I think the strength of the AIO are the digital I/O. No?
He asked about the Yamaha MR816 CSX. It has ADAT. So, why not? Just curious.

Another mixer option is a used Panasonic DA7. They're pretty cheap nowadays. Been using one for 10 years or so.

Re: HDSPe AIO Breakout/Mixer Advice

Thanks for the replies. Yeah my preference would be to go with the AIO even if the performance is negligible compared to the fireface interfaces. I would quite like a mixer/interface that would integrate well with Cubase which is why I was looking at the MR816 or maybe the Yamaha 01V96i. Will have a look into the DA7 thanks for the suggestion.