Topic: FW not connected to UFX- or IS it? (WinXP/BC)

I decided to try the FW side after several goes with USB. The blue LED on the front panel is lit but TotalMix proclaims that it is disconnected and will not control the phantom. I thought I was current with drivers and firmware but it occurred to me that could be the problem.

The laptop is a 2.17 MB with bootcamp/XP.

Aside from this-- it is possible to track I/O errors without the Fireface USB setting utility?


Rich Mays
Sonare Recordings

Re: FW not connected to UFX- or IS it? (WinXP/BC)

Did you install the FireWire driver? It's separate from the USB driver. Check Device Manager in XP.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: FW not connected to UFX- or IS it? (WinXP/BC)

Before I do that-- since I recall reading that current firmware needs to be in place on the UFX-- the startup screen on the UFX says v1.44-- is this current? I cannot see anything in Downloads with that version #--

Rich Mays
Sonare Recordings

Re: FW not connected to UFX- or IS it? (WinXP/BC)

This is up to date...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: FW not connected to UFX- or IS it? (WinXP/BC)

I will download the FW driver-- and I ran the latency checker, which is showing random red spikes. I opened the Device Mgr and there are 2 Apple Kbd devices-- which should I disable, and what will resuit?

Rich Mays
Sonare Recordings

Re: FW not connected to UFX- or IS it? (WinXP/BC)

everything appears fine-- now to record 12 channels for several hours and see if there are any errors. Thanks to you both for the Saturday help! (Only at RME!!!)


Rich Mays
Sonare Recordings