Topic: UFX: HP Amps, RCA adapters and quality
I got a good offer on a headphone amplifier with only RCA phono connectors.
On page 44 of the UFX manual it says:
"In case the
output should operate as Line
output, an adapter TRS plug to
RCA phono plugs, or TRS plug
to TS plugs is required."
My questions:
1. Would such adaptation result in any reduction in sound quality?
2. Would I notice a substantial difference in sound quality by getting a Beyerdynamic A1 headphone amplifier?
The reason I really have to know is I bought some very expensive headphones and I really want to use their full potential.
I guess what I'm trying to find out is: How good are the headphone amps built into the UFX compared to 900$ external ones?
I do not mean in terms of gain, but in clarity, transparency, depth, frequency spectrum etc.