Topic: Looking for equivalences in settings (Mac vs Win)...


I'm currently setting a Mac (I'm used to Win 7 with my FF800) and - I don't know if it's just different version, or if there's a 'different need' here, but working with screen captures from both systems:

On Windows (RME settings):

1) Is 'Output format' under Windows same as 'SPDIF Out' in Mac ? (Thus, if I have ADAT 2 set to ADAT under Windows, do I choose ADAT2 under Mac? (other options are: 'Professional', 'Emphasis' and 'Non audio')  (I'm set with a 02R mixing board, I use SPDIF Input for final mix but it plays back from ADAT port).

In Total Mix under Windows:

The 'Monitor Phones' is set to 'AI 7-8'
However, under Mac, I do not see that option : I only have:
AN 1+2
AN 3+4
AN 5+6

and I see no way to add or select the others...
