1 (edited by damiafix 2011-07-29 19:32:13)

Topic: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi guys,
this is my setup:

Mac Pro 2.66 8 core 8 GB memory 2 TB storage
PCIe Nvidia Video card
Audio:  RME Raydat + 2x ADI8-DS
OS: dualboot OSX SL 10.6.8, Win7 64bit

Yesterday, before on windows and after on OSX, I've updated the drivers and flashed the firmware (only from windows) of my Raydat to the last version available:

WDM Streaming drivers: 3.24
Firmware version: 12
Drivers: 2.72
Firmware version: 12

The problem is that on OSX when I try to play a sound (from the web,  the system sounds or when I edit a video on my video editor, or when I close Cubase or any audio application)  all the time the sound is followed from a  "pop"; the same issue if I stop the sound. I've this problem only on OSX and the settings of the audio card, are the same that in windows.
I've a doubt, the firmware update that I've done on Windows is compatible with OSX?
Would be really appreciated some suggestion!

Best regards. D.


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Which OS X drivers and firmware did you use before?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by damiafix 2011-07-29 21:31:18)

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi Matthias,
thanks for your reply. Good question :-)

I remember that until  the firmware 10 and the drivers 2.75 all was fine in OSX. Could I try with a downgrade of the firmware?  I tried the drivers 2.75 and 2.72
but leaving the firmware 12, I've the same issue.

Best regards. D.

4 (edited by damiafix 2011-08-06 02:16:54)

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi again,
I've made a short video for show you better my problem:

Rme-RayDat - Ad8-DS "Pop" problem

I'm sorry for the audio quality but I had some problem of routing so I used the built in audio card and an external microphone for capture the sound from my monitors. In every case, you should hear the "pop" after the sound effect; If I run DigiCheck and I repeat the test, the audio is not affected from that issue; same result using Cubase or Wavelab, but if I run a video editor, the audio is affected from this problem, and everytime that I stop the video, the audio is followed from a fastidious "pop".
Follows a schematic that show the WClock and Adat connections. I've found that the "pops" came from the ADi8-DS adat output to the RayDay, in fact if the Adat cable is not connected I don't have this kind of problem.  It seem a wclk problem, but from my point of view the connections are ok; please have a look here:


The Master clock came from the ADI8-DS1 and the RayDayt and the second ADI8-DS are slave; the adat output of both ADI8-DS is connected to the Adat Input of the RayDat.

Best regards. D.


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi Matthias
I am having the same raydat noise problem as damiafiz
Macpro 2x2.8 GHz Quad-Core 16 gigs ram
When this pop happens ch 1-16 on the hdsp mixer (playback and output) spike.
I also went to firmware ver 12 on the raydat from the pc side but after this started I went back to ver 11 and  I still get the
pops but there not as bad. I am using Mac OS X Driver 2.77

The raydat is the master clock
I have 2 presonus digimax fs hooked up with adat optical cables
Until I did this firmware ver 12 update I have never had any problems with my setup.  Worked Great



Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi Matthias

Any Ideas ??

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

It's vacation time here in Germany, so it may take some time to get an official answer.

But you should check if the Raydat is set as default output device in OS X. That is because OS X turns off the audio output after 30 seconds non-use, which may be accompanied by a pop plus another pop when it's turned back on. This may or may not have to do with your issue, but it doesn't hurt to check it.


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Is it still vacation time in Germany.
When does it end. Just curious



Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Is any one else having this problem


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Vacation is still on, but what about the "check if it's the default playback device" thing?

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Your video is not playable, by the way, it's set to "private".


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

I checked the settings for the default playback device. And the raydat is set as the default device.
Since I  went back to ver 11 with Driver 2.77 its been a lot better, just some random pops here and there.
Ver 12 with Driver 2.77 was terrible.

Thanks  Timur



Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

We have checked the RayDAT on several systems again and did not get a single pop anywhere. There must be something very special with your system / setup if it behaves like that.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Thanks for the reply MC
This problem started when I went to rev 12 with the pc (bootcamp,windows)  then went back to the mac side.
Before this update everything was fine.
I had to go back to rev 11 to get it calmed down
There is no update to rev 12 for the raydat on your site for the mac side,just the pc.
Should it be ok to go to rev 12 on the pc (windows) side then switch back to the mac side to work.
Have you tried this scenario
I am using ver 2.77 Mac OS X



Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

We used 12 under Mac. No need to use 12 if you don't use the TCO...

Matthias Carstens


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Thanks again MC for the info
I do have a TCO installed but rarely use it,if it stays connected with the ribbon cable in side the computer but not used
will this cause me any problems in rev 11, it doesn't seem to be causing any problems that I know of.



Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

No problem.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

I'm having the same issue and have posted to that effect. What's the problem? There are too many people with this new card that are having this problem to think it's all on our end.

19 (edited by wizzkinder 2012-03-12 04:25:51)

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

I posted this yesterday before I read this thread. Perhaps this workaround will help...
While running Mac OS 10.7.2 with RayDat 3.01/ver 12 and all card inputs happily showing "sync", there are still clicks and pops after MacOS alert sounds or after playing audio files in preview mode, and when quitting DAW programs. These pops appear at the HDSPe mixer outs and also at the mixers' software outs - so they seem to be in the system's interaction with the audio card.
The only workaround I have found is to run DigiCheck in the background with the 4bar meters open and "Activate Audio Processing" checked.
If I uncheck that or quit DigiCheck the pops return.
I can avoid the unwanted noise as described, but there must be a better way.

Mac Pro 2.4 (8 core)
Big Ben colck
apogee 16-ADx / 16 -DAx
UAD Quad

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Has anyone from RME got any comment about this? It has been months. Even with new driver and digicheck this workaround must be used or the pops are back.

Mac Pro 2.4 (8 core) OS 10.7.4
Big Ben clock
apogee 16-ADx / 16 -DAx
UAD Quad

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Having the exact same issue here sad

since firmware 12

OSX 10.8.2
Raydat clocked by Apogee Big Ben (also with own clock pops)
2x Prism Orpheus over adat.
Mac pro 8 core 2.8


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

We have checked this again and are not able to generate any pop sounds out of our Macs with the RayDAT. From previous experience with Mac drivers and other devices we can only speculate where the problem might be. Anyone having this problem is invited to download a test driver and check if that one changes the behavior:


Thanks for trying it.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi Matthias,

I tested the test driver but the issue remains..
Thanks for the assistance!
Hope you can sort this.

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Any updates on this issue?


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

No. As long as we can't reproduce it we can't fix it. And the small feedback (only yours, thanks) is not much encouraging as well.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Can you demonstrate that the issue is actually happening at the card's digital outputs, and not a matter of the converter? Can you also show it is not an issue of the playback software? If (as mentioned above) pops are actually visible in the software playback channels in the HDSP mixer, then they are already being generated by the software, it would seem.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Yes pops are visible at output meters HDSP mixer...
The strange thing is that I worked with a very old firmware and driver and decided to update, after I updated both of them I got the pops.


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

That may still lie the responsibility on the used software. Older drivers/firmwares used different methods to communicate with Core Audio. Over the years we updated those (along with the OS X versions) to stay compatible and give even better performance. So what software are you using for playback? Same pops with iTunes playback?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

Hi there!

    I have the same problem. OSX 10.6.8., i7 Mac Pro, Raydat. Lynx Aurora 8 is connected on AES/EBU i/o (master clock), ADI 8 DS and two Behringer ADA8000 connected on three ADAT i/o. Before Lynx, on that place there was Lavry Blue AD/DA, also master clock. With old firmware and driver version everything worked perfect. Now is the same situation like with others, either with Lavry and Lynx as master clock.
   The thing is that it happens with no matter which playback software used, Cubase 5, ProTools 10, or simple preview feature in OSX. When you turn it off, there is "pop", visible on HDSPe mixer.

I'd like to thank you for your support!

Best regards!


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

When you turn it off - let's stay with Cubase 5. Pop happens when you hit stop? Or only when you exit the program? When you stop playback and exit the program, or only when playback is still running and you exit Cubase?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

No, it happens when when you stop playback and exit the program, when program is down (like 'disconnected' from ASIO engine). The same happens when using Preview on OSX to listen mp3 or WAV.
Yesterday I bought AIO card for my second MacPro. Same thing happens, but little bit rare that on Raydat. Is says Rev. 12, I bought it like that. I don't have anything connected to digital inputs or outputs.
I assume that there is something strange with Rev. 12, which is from Windows, happening to OSX. On your website there is only Rev. 10 for OSX.


Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

We have a new driver which should fix the pops/clicks at the end of playback. Please try it and report back:


Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

I just saw your reply. Thank you and hello.
After almost 2 years I did not expect to hear back. I guess I was not alone with the problem.
updated the driver with 3.05
all clock rates syncing as usual
will stop running DigiCheck in the background and will let you know
after I go through all the scenarios that caused the pops.

Re: Raydat on Mac Pro SL 10.6.8 Pops when stop playbacks

have tried much - as of now.
No pops, no clicks, no digicheck in background.
very good