Topic: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Update 01/17/2012 !!!!

For all the Mac users with Fireface UFX, Fireface UC and Babyface:

TotalMix FX has been ported to Cocoa and Open GL for improved performance and reduced CPU load. That was in beta 0.962 (December 2011). Now we jump forward to v 0.97 beta 1 which also includes OSC support! If you are interested to try here is the file:

https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/to … ta2mac.zip

Please note the word beta. Don't use this version in a productive environment, as it has not been rigorously tested on many systems.

Reverting to the normal TotalMix FX can be done at any time by deleting this app and reinstalling the current official driver.

Thanks for any feedback!

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

I just quickly fired it up. It seemed to take up about 5.1% of CPU in Activity Monitor. The previous version consistently takes up about 3.1%. Otherwise it seemed pretty similar.

Not a very scientific study or anything, of course.

Babyface, Macbook Pro 2015, OSX 10.14.6

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Seems about the same here, cpu-wise....is it more efficiant when a lot is going on in Logic for instance?

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

[center]old totalmix:[/center]
[img align=C]http://s11.postimage.org/519qdzu83/old.png[/img]

[center]Cocoa totalmix:[/center]
[img align=C]http://s8.postimage.org/bk0bpmo7p/Cocoa.png[/img]

and finally 64 bit...

MacBook Pro i7 - 8 GB Ram | RME Babyface | Adam A7x | Cubase 6.x | Snow Leopard 10.6.8

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Using Cocoa is the prerequisite for using 64 bit. wink

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Seems to work on my OSX 10.6.8 but it shows 32k even though my Babyface is set to 96k. Thus it give me access to more channels than are really available at 96.

Mats Helgesson


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Correct, we noticed this too. Update coming.

I also should have explained that the biggest advantage of the new version is the improved performance during graphical changes. Lots of level meters, resizing the window or opening an EQ panel and thereby moving lots of channels to the side now causes significantly less CPU.

Matthias Carstens


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Beta 2 available, see first post.

Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by Eric Bradley 2011-12-21 08:08:17)

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Works fine in OS 10.6.8 but the labels of the Hardware output channels in the condensed view are missing?

RME Fireface UFX
Mac Mini 2.6 GHz 16 GB Ram Areca RAID | MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz 16 GB Ram | OS 10.10.5

10 (edited by Daniel_K 2011-12-20 23:56:07)

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Ja, stimmt. Fehlen bei mir auch...
Bei Software Playback und bei Hardware Out.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel K. :-)


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Thanks! Beta 3 fixes this small problem, see first post. The next beta will come after new year.

Matthias Carstens

12 (edited by arctic 2011-12-22 15:11:33)

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Hmm...I'm seeing the compressor/expander gui in this latest update....doesn't seem to work though....??
Clarification, I see the compressor/expander gui in totalmix for babyface. I'm not kidding.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

At first I thought it was a xmas present but like I said..it's only visual.

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Gibt auch kleine Grafikfehler.... Farben fehlen usw... Wenn ich den betreffenden Slot minimiere und wieder maximiere ist alles wieder in Ordnung.
Tritt bei mir auf wenn eine Anwendung im Vordergrund war. (z.B. Ableton Live neuste Version in meinem Fall)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel K. :-)


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Die Grafikfehler sind bei uns nicht aufgetreten, aber es geht trotzdem weiter. OSC is also discussed in this thread:

http://www.rme-audio.de/forum/viewtopic … 148#p67148

How to do with TouchOSC:

First copy the included configuration file via iTunes or TouchOSC editor to the iPad.

To connect to TouchOSC:

- Start TouchOSC on the iPad (automatically shows its settings page)

- in TotalMix FX fire up Settings (F3). On the new OSC page the iPad should already be shown as 'Remote Control Host'. Under 'Found Remote Services' click on the iPad/TouchOSC entry, then close the dialogbox via OK.

Now perform the same procedure on the iPad side, means within the TouchOSC app (under 'Connections' TotalMix FX is shown as 'Found Hosts'. After selecting it hit the 'TouchOSC' and the 'Done' button.

- Don't forget to 'Enable OSC Control' in TotalMix FX, menu Options.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Can you have two different versions of TotalFX in your osx system? I'd be interested to test OSC but like to use production version on gigs?


17 (edited by jemaliahz 2012-01-17 17:48:30)

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Seems that you can. Just name OSC -version differentially. I can confirm that system is working with TouchOSC. At least faders. Haven't tested completely smile

EDIT: Holy shit. This thing is AMAZING! Input / outputs selectable, EQ working!
EDIT2: Same compressor UI bug still also on this version.


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Ich glaube die Grafikfehler waren Arbeitsspeicher bedingt.
Kamen nur vor wenn der Arbeitsspeicher voll war, dann hat er anscheinend Informationen vom TM FX gelöscht.
(Meine Vermutung)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel K. :-)

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Fantastic! This is an update I've been waiting for for a long time! smile It works incredibly well with OSC support for Ipad over WiFi with no discernible latency.

All that remains for me to become a really happy camper is post fader aux sends DeadHorse

Mats Helgesson

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

MC wrote:

Update 01/17/2012 !!!!

For all the Mac users with Fireface UFX, Fireface UC and Babyface:

Hi Matthias,

This looks fantastic.  Can you tell me if a similar update is planned for Windows users?

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Now we're talking! Or should I say now TotalMix FX and iPad are talking through OSC. :-)
I do not perceive any latency.
I can now control the mixer, EQ, Compression, FX... you name it!

Thank you so much for this update.

RME Fireface UFX
Mac Mini 2.6 GHz 16 GB Ram Areca RAID | MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz 16 GB Ram | OS 10.10.5


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Windows later, but of course. First we have to fine-tune the OSC support.

Matthias Carstens

23 (edited by bsfreq 2012-01-23 17:17:27)

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

This is great! I don't have an iPad yet, but probably will get one in a couple of months.
Anyway, I tried out this beta2 and it seems very promising indeed! But for some reason the TMFX crashes when I open up a new TMFX window.
(this has happened with other versions of TMFX as well, also with the latest TM FX 0.963.)
After enabling the OSC control from options, it won't crash though.

I was wondering..
-will we be able to use two or more iPads if needed?
-will it some day be possible to access the eq, dynamics and other setting via midi also?

I also told about a firewire driver related issue here, but I moved the post where it belongs:
http://www.rme-audio.de/forum/viewtopic … 448#p67448

macbook pro 2011 - os x 10.6.8
fireface UFX
firmware 1.47
firewire driver 3.06
TotalMix FX 0.970b2

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic


Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

Continued here:

http://www.rme-audio.de/forum/viewtopic … 244#p68244

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX 0.970b2 for Mac - Cocoa and OSC support, Beta 2

MatsHelgesson wrote:

All that remains for me to become a really happy camper is post fader aux sends DeadHorse

If you mean by this selectable grouping (by submix) on Trim Gain control for FX, then +1.

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum