Topic: Update:TotalMix FX 0.97 RC1 for Win & Mac - Cocoa and OSC support
As a follow up to this thread: … 584#p65584
about the Mac version being re-written with Cocoa and adding OSC support, and this thread:
about OSC in general, here comes Release Candidate 1 for Windows and Mac. … …
These files can be used with the current drivers and UCX, UFX, Babyface and UC.
!!!! The new Mac TotalMix is no longer compatible to 10.5x !!!!
!!!! Mac USB users should use the latest driver 1.67: … !!!!
RC1 includes:
- Several bug fixes
- Optimized Open GL support on Mac for reduced graphics CPU load
- The option 'Enable MIDI control' can only be enabled when a vaild MIDI input port has been assigned.
- MIDI port behavior on startup and when loading workspaces reworked. This should solve some mysterious misbehavior seen by a few users.
- Enhanced OSC support (trkpanval, phantom power), compatibility to Lemur.
Full list of supported OSC commands: …
How to use OSC with the app TouchOSC:
First copy the latest configuration file via iTunes or TouchOSC editor to the iPad:
Template for TouchOSC: …
To connect to TouchOSC:
- Start TouchOSC on the iPad (automatically shows its settings page)
- in TotalMix FX fire up Settings (F3). Win: On the new OSC1 page add the iPad's IP (can be found in the OSC settings on the iPad) to the section 'Remote Control'. Add the corresponding incoming/outgoing port numbers to the dialog and click ok. Mac: the iPad should already be shown in the section 'Remote Control', Host. Under 'Found Remote Services' click on the iPad/TouchOSC entry. Check the port numbers (so that they match the ones in the TouchOSC settings), then close the dialogbox via OK.
Perform the same procedure on the iPad side, means within the TouchOSC app (under 'Connections' TotalMix FX is shown as 'Found Hosts'. After selecting it hit the 'TouchOSC' and the 'Done' button.
- Don't forget to 'Enable OSC Control' in TotalMix FX, menu Options.
- "/2/loopback" and "/2/stereo" are also implemented/functional, but we did not add them to the included template.
That's all? No folks, we're not smoking, you will be! Beta 4 also includes full management for hiding channels, removing them from the TM FX surface as well as the remote controls. Look here:
[img align=L][/img]
This new function is called 'Channel Layout' (in the Options menu). Choose Input, Playback or Output row first. Select the desired channels from the list with the mouse and the standard selection methods, then select the 'Hide Channel in' command to the right that suits your needs:
- Mixer/Matrix: The channel(s) will vanish from TM FX and the remote controls, MIDI/Mackie and OSC.
- MIDI Remote 1: Channel(s) is no longer existing for the MIDI/Mackie remote control
- OSC Remote 1: Channel(s) is no longer existing for the OSC remote control
The list shows which channels are currently in use (used for mixing), active (in double/quad speed or with Limit Bandwidth some channels are no longer active), and hidden. The remotes are shown as hidden or not as well.
This flexible setup allows to clean up the mixer surface by removing unused I/Os, or to (finally) use the 8 faders of a Mackie control with any free selection of channels within one row. The current configuration is stored within the workspace.
Coming later: Channel Layout panel to the right to quickly switch between different channel layouts. Channel layout import/export. Combine Hide function with Submix view: only the currently active Inputs and Playbacks will be shown when a submix is selected in the third row - perfect mix overview!
Matthias Carstens