Topic: HDSP 9652 Instalation


In installing my HDSP 9652 cards I've found very little direction.

Each card has addition pins and jacks that look as though they need to be attached to something.

Can anyone help with a little direction and explanation as to What needs to go Where and if all is not use, what are these additional ports, pins and jacks for?

I appreciate any help you can give.

New to the RME Family.


Re: HDSP 9652 Instalation

Some ports are not used, and some are only for factory programming. The HDSP 9652 manual explains the rest on page 8.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: HDSP 9652 Instalation


Thank you.

This is a different link than what I had. This is Much more complete.

I appreciate it.

Again, Thank you,
