Topic: Wrong Input Signal Showing Up


I'm using the HDSP 9652 w/latest driver. Been using it for years with XP Pro. Just recently switched to Win7/64 and I'm in the final stages of tweeking the beast.

The Problem: I have a cd player connected to Inputs 7-8 of my ADI-8 Pro which shows activity or Channels 7-8 Inputs, but in the HDSP Mixer I am detecting audio on Channel 4 only. Channel 4! What's up with that? It worked fine yesterday and I haven't made any changes since then.

I have experimented with Matrix settings to no avail. Nothing coming in on 7-8.

What am I missing here, guys?



Re: Wrong Input Signal Showing Up

ADI-8 Pro or ADI-8 DS?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Wrong Input Signal Showing Up

ADI-8 Pro.

Here's the goofy thing. I had it on 96khz. When I switched back to 48khz the problem went away and all is right again.

Tried it a few times. Switching to 96khz seems to be the culprit.

But...I want to record at 96khz. So, now what?

4 (edited by Subgenius7 2012-02-13 21:52:55)

Re: Wrong Input Signal Showing Up

Could this be a buffer size thing? Gonna try that. Nope. I understand that you have to double the buffer size for 96khz but still, when I switch to 96 channels 7-8 die and signal only comes in on ch 4.

I'd really like to record in 96, Mr Jeff. Any ideas how to get this to happen?



Re: Wrong Input Signal Showing Up

The ADI-8 Pro won't do 96k, sorry....

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs