Topic: TCO (hdsp) virtual sync port
The manual says that this port should appear in the sync menu of the host (Cubase SX2 in my DAW), to use the ASIO Positioning Protocol correctly.
Why I can't see it?
Actually I'm slaving the DAW through the LTC In (from multitrack deck) of the TCO, the MTC generated by a MOTU MTP (only MTC, no WordClock) through his sync port that appears in Cubase, and linking the WordClock from TCO to my Digiface.
The system seems to work properly, but sometime the MTP freeze and I have to restart Cub to get the sync again.
Probably the APP works better but without this virtual TCO port in the Cub menu the MIDI tracks goes back and forth tryng to sync unsuccesfully.
Please help.