1 (edited by Kompressor 2012-03-07 23:24:40)

Topic: mixer channel volume

Hi RME-addicts,

i am using a HDSP(e) card since yesterday...and have got a little question.

In the mixer i have saved some presets with different volume stages on a "playback" channel. -> question is:
Is it better to turn down the playback-channel volume?
Or is it better to turn down the AN-channels in the last row?
Bit-wise...to maintain quality.

...Does it matter at all?


-8gb Ram
-Win7 64
-Yamaha HS-80M
-Speedstep, C1, C3, Turbo, auto-overclocking: On
-No noise and running projects @64 samples...32 samples=no prob. 
--->testing since one day..

Re: mixer channel volume

Doesnt' make any difference....

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: mixer channel volume

Thanks for the info/quick reply.

Re: mixer channel volume


I have noise on low buffers in projects: High pitched sine...+another prob.