Topic: ADAT 1 channels 1-8 not working properly

I have been using this card for a while now with 2 8 channel converters on ADAT 2 and 3 and a preamp with SPDIF on ADAT 1.  I have another 8 channel converter i want to put on channels 1-8 or ADAT 1.  I have connected the toslink cables and wordclock, i can see meters for those channels in totalmix but i cant get any output from them and channels 5-8 have a very quiet occasional static/popping type sound.  Totalmix does not let me select the output channels for 5-8 to adjust in the submix.  I feel like there is a jumper or something that i missed on the board and its in 96kHz operation on those channels.  I do however have sync between all devices.
I have ADAT 1 checked for in and out.  so the quick rundown is i cant get any outputs on ADAT 1 channels 1-8.  I have swapped cables with ADAT 2 and i can get output there, and i have swapped those same cables from converter to card to make sure the cables are good.  I cant figure this out help please.


Re: ADAT 1 channels 1-8 not working properly

> I have ADAT 1 checked for in and ou

So you activated either SPDIF or the internal ADAT port...

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADAT 1 channels 1-8 not working properly

well i guess im having a hard time figuring out how to unactivate it back to ADAT 1.  The thing that is really messing me up is that in total mix on the matrix it doesnt let me select anything on channels 5-8 so i think its in DS mode on these channels.  i cant figure out how to turn it off.

HDSP9652 settings
sync align checked
ADAT 1,2,3 Sync
SPDIF in Checked on ADAT 1
SPDIF out Checked on ADAT 1
Word clock out single speed
Clock mode master
Pref. Sync Ref Word Clock
Sync and Clock at 48kHz


Re: ADAT 1 channels 1-8 not working properly

And once again: You configured your ADAT1 I/O for SPDIF operation, not for ADAT. How can it work then? This is how it looks llke, not knowing which card, driver and firmware you use exactly...

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by the evil 2012-03-10 18:22:08)

Re: ADAT 1 channels 1-8 not working properly

driver 3.08.5
Firmware 108
Card v. 1.3 but the card was updated about a year ago

So does the SPDIF get set to internal
and the nothing checked on SPDIF out?

That was my understanding but did not seems to work properly