Topic: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Does UCX have better converters than the FFUC?

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

In short, yes, as you can see on the specs.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Thank you very much, Jeff.

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

So I guess latency is better with UCX than with UC?

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Yes, about 1ms less round-trip.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Thank you.:-)

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

So I'm thinking maybe I should get the UCX. Is it as stable as the UC. Some post on the forum have me a little spooked. Seems more than a couple bad units with the same problem.

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Jarrett, i wouldnt be spooked, i upgraded my UC to a UCX and the difference in sound quality is instantly noticable, a well as all the other cool features (dsp, eq and compression for example) its the one i'd go for!

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Aye! Aye! Captain!

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

You using USB or Firewire? Notice any difference in performance? Latency better than UC? Thanks Captain.

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

on paper the latency lower on the UCX, (analogue to analogue) but you obviously have to alow for the computer in there somewhere, and everyones setup is different.. Im using USB 2 mainly because im on PC and have always used USB, but ive also heard that you get a slightly better performance over USB. Maybe one of the Admin could verify that?
Im getting better performance because im using the DSP thats built into the unit so im minimising CPU load (reverb is quite an intensive effect for a cpu)

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

I'm using PC as well. Thanks for the info!

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

Do you notice the difference in latency coming from UC to UCX? It sounds like you are saying others are saying USB is faster.

captainfaggo wrote:

on paper the latency lower on the UCX, (analogue to analogue) but you obviously have to alow for the computer in there somewhere, and everyones setup is different.. Im using USB 2 mainly because im on PC and have always used USB, but ive also heard that you get a slightly better performance over USB. Maybe one of the Admin could verify that?
Im getting better performance because im using the DSP thats built into the unit so im minimising CPU load (reverb is quite an intensive effect for a cpu)

Re: Ucx Vs Uc Converters

in short yes.