Topic: HDSPe card not recognized - Win 7 WX58BP

I have both RME HDSP MADI and HDSPe MADI cards.  Only the older PCI card works (and well, might I add).  Every time I've tried to get the PCIe card working, it goes completely unrecognized by the Windows Device Manager (checked every category - it's not there!).  I've tried the card in both PCIe slots.  I moved the video card to another slot and tried it again.  Nothing seems to work.

I was successful in using the card in another computer a few months ago and I've carefully stored the card since then.  Therefore I suspect the card works fine and there is some kind of conflict between my motherboard and the card.  Here is my system config.:
Intel Workstation WX58BP
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3520 @ 2.67GHz
ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
Windows 7 32-bit Home Premium

Note: I let the Intel site run an automatic check on my system and it did not recommend I update my BIOS (dated 2009).

I need to sell one of these cards.  If I decide to sell the PCIe card, it would be good to know if it is working correctly.  I do not have another desktop machine with which to check it.

Any help would be much appreciated!

charlie post | postproductions audio | music rec. & live sound- acoustic music

Re: HDSPe card not recognized - Win 7 WX58BP

Have you tried, Just One PCI-e card in the system without the PCI card installed?
Check in the BIOs for any options that enable slot functionality.

Do you have some other PCI-e card you can get to check the slots on the board with?

Have you tried the cards in a different system?

I know there were an early Intel branded X58 board that issues with PCI-e cards but AFAIK that was on the one motherboard that is long discontinued.

You may find it more effective in the long run if you want to use multiple MADI cards to use some for the boards from ASUS or Gigabyte which tend to be more common for people running a DAW. They tend to give you more control over the BIOs settings than the Intel board.

Latest Bios for that board.

But you might not be abel to update it.
Here is a warning about board revisions.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: HDSPe card not recognized - Win 7 WX58BP

I had a similar problem Charlie, the card was being recognised, just not where I expected it to be. It was located in Other Devices>Multimedia Audio Controller and not Sound Video & Game Controller.