Topic: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

so I got a new macbook pro (2010 model without PCIexpress or PCMCIA card slot) and wonder if there is ANY way that I can still use my multiface II with express card.

Macbook pro (2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 4GB RAM), Apogee Ensemble, Ableton Live, Roland TD-10 vDrums

Re: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

Steve Jobs dictates "No, you can't"  sad

Might be time for a FF400, or a new Laptop that is designed for Pro-Audio and Express Card I/O on a good chipset...


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

express card i/o is dying out. AAMOF the PCMCIA Association (who developed the express card standard) has been dissolved.
and the new macbook pro is the best pro-audio laptop I've ever had.

was just wondering if RME would offer an adapter or interface of sort that would allow me to keep the multiface.

Macbook pro (2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 4GB RAM), Apogee Ensemble, Ableton Live, Roland TD-10 vDrums

Re: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

Firewire/USB to a PCI type bridge just isn't practical for realtime bi-directional audio streaming AFAIK.  You might be able to find something somewhere that might work (not from RME), but likely with horrible scaling and poor latency.

I feel that my PCI (not even PCIe) MADI cards, Multifaces and Digifaces still have lots of life left in them - and I use modern i7 hardware - but on more flexible and more powerful (but obviously less portable) desktops.  Nice and cheap...

I agree Express Card might be on the way out, but current laptops SHOULD have it as Express Card is still a viable format IMNSHO.  A computer should support the currently available hardware of TODAY - not plan for 3-4 years from now when Express card might actually be fading away...

Time to put the MF-II on eBay and buy a FF400 smile

2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

so... was just wondering if anything has happened since... just so you know, I'm pretty certain that there simply is no way to use the multiface II without the cardBus adapter but ... it doesn't hurt to try. maybe someone figured out a software solution (the multifaceII DOES have a firewire connector).

also, I didn't care for what steve jobs might have said and which computers are better...

Macbook pro (2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 4GB RAM), Apogee Ensemble, Ableton Live, Roland TD-10 vDrums

Re: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

ideally, rme should make a thunderbolt adapter to the hdsp stuff. really. that would be fantastic.
(i also have a mf II flying around which i can't use anymore due to my laptop upgrade.)


Re: Multiface II and new macbookpro (without card slot)

There is a working TB-Expresscard adapter in the market (Sonnet). This won't help the OP, though, whose 2010 MBP does not even have TB.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs