Topic: HRTF on totalmix / headphone out

Dear RME team,

Would it be possible to add some kind of HRTF/binaural/crossfeed/room functions to the totalmix software to be able to use it on the headphone output? Or as an alternative would it be possible to implement some kind of VST support on totalmix to be able to insert a dedicated software for that purpose like ToneBoosters Isone Pro? That way every totalmix source would benefit from hrtf/room processing at the headphone output for the purpose of better mixing/listening/less ear fatigue with headphones.

What do you think about it - and sorry if something like this is already there on latest RME gear as I´m still on my old trusty multiface I.


Re: HRTF on totalmix / headphone out

Okay, after several tests with different software solutions I come to the conclusion that none really do that in-front-of-your-head localisation well enough - apart from one: Dolby Headphone (3 room variations, 1st best for monitoring) as part of mediaplayer add ons. Invented by Lake Technology in the late 90s, later bought by Dolby.

Any chance RME would look into this? Maybe buying a license to incorporate this into RME gear? It may be old but it is really really good. As there is a software coded "Dolby Headphone" it could be incorporated in HDSP gear, could it?

A yes or no would be nice wink

Re: HRTF on totalmix / headphone out

I agree, having HRTF in an audio interface would solve so many problems...

For now I use Isone Pro via my Multiface I, too... however, one day I will get myself a new interface and I would love nothing more than having HRTF integrated in a way that I don't have to switch it on (routing audio to two stereo pairs at once where one has HRTF and the other doesn't).

Please look into this. :-)