Topic: HDSPe Express Card question

Lenovo T520 Win7 64bit i5 8Gb
HDSPe Express Card and Multiface Mk1
Cubase 6.5.1 / Ableton 8.2.8

New laptop (as above).
I was having loads of crashes and Win7 becoming unresponsive.
Searched the forum and found the Lenovo bios tweek for ExpressCard Power.
Seems to have made things more stable (fingers crossed).

There's another Express Card setting in the bios about Transfer Speed.
You can set it to Gen1 or Gen2 express card.
Which version is the HDSPe Express Card?

Re: HDSPe Express Card question


I'm not at home at the moment to check my laptop, so I can not be certain about my Gen1/2 transfer speed bios setting, however I believe that the ExpressCard would be a Gen1 device. Is there an 'auto' setting in bios? That way the RME card may flag its speed to the slot? Maybe wait for clarification from RME.

I am however, using a Lenovo T520 without issues. I use a Madiface ExpressCard and after disabling the Express slot power management 'feature' in the bios, I have had no problems whatsoever. Hope this provides some reassurance from a fellow T520 + RME user.



Re: HDSPe Express Card question

Gen 1, but usually Gen 2 should work too as it must be downward compatible on the laptop. Simply try, and when both seem to work I would still use Gen 1 as it could be more stable.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe Express Card question

Cool. Thanks.
Auto was working okay but I switched down to Gen1 just in case.
Was having so much trouble until I turned off theExpressCard Power Management that I'm not taking any more chances smile

Re: HDSPe Express Card question

Thank you for the clarification Matthias.
(PS The new HDSPe Madi FX looks awesome. Great work RME!)

Glad to hear all is well since your ExpressCard power management tweak aoboa!
