Topic: USB 3 adapter for Cardbus or Expresscard?

I own a Multiface I and cardbus (with expresscard adapter as carbus disapeared long ago) and I would like to get a new Laptop PC, almost none these days have the ExpressCard Slot, so I was wondering if a device exists to connect any of these cards to the new USB3 ports.
Do they exist? could it be possible?
I so far have found only for thunderbolt (LINK) or USB2 (LINK) which do not solve my problem.

many thanks in advance
Carlos Pons

Re: USB 3 adapter for Cardbus or Expresscard?

Not Possible. The USB 2 on is not full express/PCI-e bandwidth and will not work well or at all with most devices.
You choice is the replace the Multiface with a Fireface UC, UCX or UFX or to wait to buy PC laptop that will come with Thunderbolt.
Then use the Sonnet Thunderbolt to express adapter with our HDSPe express card and the Multiface.
Thunderbolt won't be on PC laptops till the fall or winter.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: USB 3 adapter for Cardbus or Expresscard?

ChrisLudwig wrote:

Not Possible. The USB 2 on is not full express/PCI-e bandwidth and will not work well or at all with most devices.

Hello and thanks for the quick reply!

I was asking about USB3 not USB2.
USB3 should have enough bandwidth I guess.

Re: USB 3 adapter for Cardbus or Expresscard?

I'm looking for the same solution. My old dead laptop has been replaced by a brand new Ultrabook. So I only have USB 3 ports.

I have a small and lightweight 2 port card for mobility, but I would be glad to use my Multiface again for live playing.