Topic: HDSPe PCI Card died

Hi, I still have a 10 years old HDSP card working great with a Multiface-I in my PC
but I cannot say the same with the HDSPe PCI Card in my Mac Pro that died after only 2 years of use sad
So, how much it can cost to repair it (is it worth to do it ?) and where in Canada I can send it for repair ?


Re: HDSPe PCI Card died

I'm afraid it's not possible to make an estimate before the card is checked...

Please contact the retailer or local distributor.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPe PCI Card died

Thanks Daniel

do you  know any canadian retailer or distributor that is qualified to do the repair ?


Re: HDSPe PCI Card died

You can find the closest authorized Repair Centres in Canada at by clickoing on the "Support" link located at the bottom of our home page. Please contact me directly at 416-789-6848 if you need help with this

best regards,
Blair Francey
Fireface 802/ARC USB; HDSP Multiface x 2; 2023 AMD Windows 10 Custom PC