Topic: 9652 to sonar problem

I am new to the 9652 and Sonar. I am trying to route 24 channels from an HDR24.  And I'm wondering why when I look at my drivers in Sonar their names do not appear like they do in other illustrations. For example, in the devices tab the Name ends with a number (1-24). In my case it skips all even numbers so I see 1,3,5, up to 23. I also only see spdifL.
When I set a track input I see this option: ASIO Hammerfall DSP (13 in, 13 out). When I scroll down this list I see the channels 2,4,6 etc are missing. Is it possible my driver should be re-installed.
I am able to input clean signal into sonar from TotalMix but my routing skills are novice, and I don't have correct signal path on my input buses yet.

My system
HP Z800
windows 7

Re: 9652 to sonar problem

The "missing channels" is just the way Sonar will show channel pairs, nothing to do with the driver and nothing wrong...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: 9652 to sonar problem

I see, thanks.