Topic: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

Can anybody help me. How to activate the aes/ebu output. I have the breakout kable and the spidif works tiptop, but i have to get the 110 ohm aes/ebu working.

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

It's the "Professional" tickbox under "SPDIF Out".

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

Thanks so much Daniel.
I have tried it but it dident work. Do I have to chose ADAT 1-3 or ADAT 3-4 or something else..? Still the AES/EBU is spidif right..?
Best regards Peter

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

Please be more specific - what exactly doesn't work?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

My amplifier, a tact millennium, do have digital enties. And the AES/EBU entry do not register any signal by the amplifier. But the spidif (RCA) do go clear through. I use both output (RCA and AES`/EBU), but unfortunatly only the RCA is active.
I was woundering if I had to change som setting in my computer software, ex the mediaplayer or something to get it working.
Best regards and thanks.

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

Have you got this cable?
Have you ticked the "XLR" option for the breakout cable (top right hand corner)?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

Yes. Exactly this cable. And I have ticked the XLR option. I will try to reinstall the card. And I have another computer with the card and will try this computer as well.
I will get back and is so happy for your help.

Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

Now I have found out. The breakout cable uses the female Xlr as output. My Xlr input is a female. That's why. I thought it was standard to use the male Xlr for output...that's makes some sence...


Re: Activate aes/ebu output on hdsp 9632.

You are right. We had a small batch of cables where the connectors were exchanged (already a year ago or so). Please contact your dealer/distributor for free exchange.

Matthias Carstens