Topic: How to make a 5.1 mix with the card HDSPe AIO

Hello all
I currently own a RME HDSPe AIO, and I would like to make a 5.1 mix, while composing the music. I can not understand how to adjust the map, and which exit to use. I think with the SPDIF I can do it by plugging it all into an amp and Dolby DTS, but when I look at the mixer outputs are only SPDIF stereo. Does anyone could explain to me? The goal is to direct the music by setting instruments on good audio output of 5.1, then make exports of mono audio outputs. And then encode DTS or Dolby. I wonder what little use the ADAT connectors? Can I use them to make 5.1? Is what I need to add a daughter card, analog signals to recover the 5.1 and then encoders. I'm really lost, if you could give me a direction. thank you very much

2 (edited by Blair Francey 2012-06-27 23:05:15)

Re: How to make a 5.1 mix with the card HDSPe AIO

Hi Shiver,

It sound like you monitor on a 5.1 analog power amp and monitor speaker system. If so yes you will need 6 analog outputs to do this. You would also need the AO4S-192 analog output expansion board.

Alternatively you would need an 8 channel DA converter with Toslink optical I/O.

best regards,
Blair Francey
Fireface 802/ARC USB; HDSP Multiface x 2; 2023 AMD Windows 10 Custom PC

Re: How to make a 5.1 mix with the card HDSPe AIO

You would need a specialized device to encode the 6 channels to Dolby Digital, etc. into the SPDIF stream, the RME card cannot do this.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.