Topic: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?
Hello all!
I have two PCIe cards in my new system: AIO and HDSPe-AES
The AES-32 is externally word-clocked with a Mytek 8x192 at 88.2khz (is my wordclock frecuency to work) and i'm clocking the AIO with the AES-32 internally with the original internal cable.
My doubt...
- The frecuency of the mytek is 88.2: OK
- The frecuency of the AES-32 and the AIO is 88.2: OK
- The Input Status - Word frecuency of the AES-32 is 88.2 (sync): OK
- The 'sync in' frecuency of the AIO is 44.1 khz!
In fact, if i set master wordclok with frecuencies over 48khz (88.2/176.4 or 96/192khz), the 'sync-in' frecuency is always 44.1 or 48khz respectively (but the external word sync is the full frecuency...)
Is this setting ok or i must to do anything to clock internally properly at full frecuencies?
Is the 'sync in' wordclock limited to 48khz?
If it's limited... Can i work without problems with an aio 'sync in' frecuency of 48khz and a sample rate frecuency of 88.2 or 176.4khz in the aio, aes-32 and my daw (protools)?
Thanks in advance...