Topic: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?

Hello all!

I have two PCIe cards in my new system:  AIO and HDSPe-AES

The AES-32 is externally word-clocked with a Mytek 8x192 at 88.2khz (is my wordclock frecuency to work) and i'm clocking the AIO with the AES-32 internally with the original internal cable.

My doubt... 
- The frecuency of the mytek is 88.2: OK
- The frecuency of the AES-32 and the AIO is 88.2: OK
- The Input Status - Word frecuency of the AES-32 is 88.2 (sync): OK
- The 'sync in' frecuency of the AIO is 44.1 khz!

In fact, if i set master wordclok with frecuencies over 48khz (88.2/176.4 or 96/192khz), the 'sync-in' frecuency is always 44.1 or 48khz respectively (but the external word sync is the full frecuency...)

Is this setting ok or i must to do anything to clock internally properly at full frecuencies? 
Is the 'sync in' wordclock limited to 48khz?
If it's limited... Can i work without problems with an aio 'sync in' frecuency of 48khz and a sample rate frecuency of 88.2 or 176.4khz in the aio, aes-32 and my daw (protools)?

Thanks in advance...



Re: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?

Mac or Windows? Latest firmware?

Matthias Carstens

Re: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?

Operating Systems:
- Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64 bits
- Windows XP Home Edition SP3 32 bits

- Latest firmware: Hardware Revision 12 for AIO and 8 for HDSPe-AES..

Checked with Driver version: 3.27 and 3.29 in both O.S....

same issue..

(To check it I don't need to work-clock the AES-32 externally... if you select 'internal' in AES-32 (88.2Khz) and 'sync-in' in AIO, you can see the same thing: 44.1Khz in Input Status / sync-in frecuency in AIO...)



Re: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?

Ok. That might be a simple display error which we will check in the next update.

Matthias Carstens

Re: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?

Thanks Matthias!

Then... Must i think that the internal word clock frecuency between cards is not limited to 48khz?

In other words... althought the sync-in frecuency displayed is 44.1khz in my example, must i suppose that the aio is clocked at 88.2khz and working correctly?

Thank you very much and best regards!



Re: AIO - HDSPe-AES Sync In limited to 48khz?

We checked the sources: indeed the internal sync word clock signal is always single speed. That does not affect the operation in any way, so there is no need to change that. You just have to know that the internal sync in frequency display will always show single speed numbers.

Matthias Carstens