Topic: ADI-2 for D/A Conversion in monitoring path instead of Multiface I?

Hello, I've got a Multiface I in my studio, and I've been using analog outputs 1-2 for my D/A conversion in my monitoring path, connecting those outputs to my monitor controller, and in turn to my nearfield monitors.

I've recently ordered an ADI-2 (still waiting for it to be delivered), which I plan to connect to the Multiface using the S/PDIF input/output. My question is this: would there be any benefit to using the ADI-2 for my main D/A converter in the monitoring chain instead of the Multiface I? Or should any difference be negligible?

I know that some guys say that upgrading converters doesn't make as much of a difference as some other factors, but I've already got a well-treated room, good mics, good preamps, etc., so I'm now looking at making changes that may provide more subtle improvements, and I thought using the better D/A conversion in the monitoring path would qualify.

Re: ADI-2 for D/A Conversion in monitoring path instead of Multiface I?

ADI-2 should provide a noticeable improvement from the original Multiface. I would recommend using it for main AD/DA channels.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: ADI-2 for D/A Conversion in monitoring path instead of Multiface I?

Great, thanks for the reply Jeff.