Topic: How to put multiple inputs into Babyface

Okay, so I'm re-phrasing this question into 'proper' English this time. By the way, 'semi' is a short way for saying 'semi-acoustic guitar' which I figured most musicians would already know. I had to make this clear since there was misunderstanding in my previous post. My apologies.

So like I have previously mentioned, I am new to this and I am trying to seek all the help I can get. After all, the RME babyface is not cheap for a beginner like myself. I've heard so many good reviews about this product which was so convincing I bought the thing with so far, no regrets. The output is amazing but I'm still stuck on a few things.

So here's my dilemma:
I have a blue bluebird condenser microphone inserted into the LINE IN R.
When I plug in my semi acoustic into the side of the Babyface where there is a guitar icon/picture, the volume of my mic decreases. I can no longer hear my voice as loud as before as the output from my semi-acoustic guitar becomes much louder than my microphone. I've tried turning on the 'Ins' but all I'm getting
is still a louder output from the semi-guitar.

I wanted to know which pannel I can adjust the volume of both mic and guitar separately, as well as the FX for both mic and semi-acoustic guitar.

I'd really appreciate your help.


Re: How to put multiple inputs into Babyface

Obviously you have to use the left input for the microphone.

Matthias Carstens

Re: How to put multiple inputs into Babyface

BabyfaceUser1 wrote:

Okay, so I'm re-phrasing this question into 'proper' English this time.

And your question is now understandable.

BabyfaceUser1 wrote:

I have a blue bluebird condenser microphone inserted into the LINE IN R.

Here is your problem.  The Babyface has two analog inputs.  Line In R shares a channel with the TRS (i.e., guitar DI) input on the side.  You are putting two signals into the same input channel. Use Line In L for your mic and you'll have one channel for your mic, and the other for your guitar.  You can then adjust the level of each independently.

Re: How to put multiple inputs into Babyface

Cheers neirbod, I appreciate your help. It finally works

5 (edited by neirbod 2012-08-16 13:27:15)

Re: How to put multiple inputs into Babyface

Great!  Happy to help.