I'm revisiting this 5 year old thread because I've just suffered from a similar problem than Francesco84 with my RME AIO, and finally found a solution that solved it completely. I was hearing a continuous and very high pitched noise coming from my computer when working with projects with lots of instruments and effects in Cubase. Indeed, the noise changed in pitch according to latency: the shorter the latency selected, the higher the frequency. At very low latencies (32 or 64 samples) it was so clearly audible and annoying that it was difficult not noticing it. A true showstopper.
At first I thought it might be something related to the AIO card. But, after putting my ear very close to the computer case, I identified the real culprit: the noise was really coming from the PSU! After investigating for a while, I concluded this was a form of the infamous "coil whine" noise many people were suffering. So I decided to try a different PSU, and exchanged my Cooler Master Silent Pro M2 for a Be Quiet Pure Power 9. That was it. No more high-pitched noises in Cubase, no matter how much I load my CPU. The new PSU is dead silent. Problem solved.
Hope this helps.