Topic: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

I just upgraded to windows 7 64 bit. I have a digi9652 card. I cannot seem to run the installer. I double click on the exe and nothing happens. I assume these are 32 bit drivers but won't they work in win 7 64 bit ? I read somewhere that ASIO is supported but I'm not sure how to do this. Am I completely out of luck here ?

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

No luck indeed, sorry. W7 32 bit will work.
BTW, these exe files are not meant to install drivers.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Daniel, Can I ask just one more question... I know the HDSP will work under win 7 64 bit, will it also work if I'm running cubase 32 bit on the 64 bit ystem ? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I new to this.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Sure, why not...? It's just the driver. As long as Cub. 32 will work...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

What about RME 96/36-52, same disappointment? I cannot believe that I have to throw away working hardware due to lack of a driver!

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

This is the same card (Hammerfall 9636/52).

And of course you will not need to throw the card away, it will work just fine with modern PC hardware under W7/32. It can also serve well in a secondary/backup system.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

7 (edited by satchakel 2012-06-26 14:55:07)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

aren'r there any drivers for Win64x?

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Sorry, no.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

what driver do I need to run my digi9652 with windows 7 32 bit and cubase 6?

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit …

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Hello there. I have purchased an used RME Digi 9652 Project Hammerfall interface, and I would like to know if meanwhile Win7 64bit will support this card. Are there any Win7 64bit drivers downloadable, or still only 32bit in Win7 is supported? I have to know exactly, so I can choose the necessary OS to install to my new computer.

Thanks in advance.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

The card will only work with W7 32 bit.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Good Morning!

I know this thread is outdated, but since I have a related problem I am posting here.
My Set-Up is used for Homerecording, so I can't get another PC.

I used to run my Hammerfall 9636/52 with Windows XP 32bit on a second Harddrive in my Home-PC (i7-920, 6GB Ram),
until I had to change due to Bluescreens.
Because I did not want to affect my hardware I took the audiocard off and put it in a 15 year old server.
But as you know, 1,5GHz aren't enough for Cubase, so I got Windows XP 64Bit running.

I'm testing for some time now and there were no bluescreens/crashs, but I didnt add the Hammerfall yet.

So my question is: Will the Hammerfall card work on a Windows XP x64 system?

Thanks for your help!
Oliver Martin

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

No, sorry.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Oh damned. Anyway, thanks for your really fast help!!
Your support is great! :-)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

So, since we all know it can be done, I'll just go ahead and ask.
If we started a donation, how much money would be enough for you to get a programmer to make a 64-bit driver for this card? Including the calculated loss of the supposed people that would buy a new card from you if they really need to go 64-bit? Be honest please.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

uglee wrote:

So, since we all know it can be done, I'll just go ahead and ask.
If we started a donation, how much money would be enough for you to get a programmer to make a 64-bit driver for this card? Including the calculated loss of the supposed people that would buy a new card from you if they really need to go 64-bit? Be honest please.

Lol, good luck with that, but I think there's not a snowballs chance in hell for that to happen. My old DIGI 96/8 PST card is sitting in a draw collecting dust. Perfectly good, and reliable, piece of hardware totally wasted.

I'm not an RME user anymore...:(.


Some of my 'stuff'.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Mauri wrote:

Lol, good luck with that, but I think there's not a snowballs chance in hell for that to happen. My old DIGI 96/8 PST card is sitting in a draw collecting dust. Perfectly good, and reliable, piece of hardware totally wasted.
I'm not an RME user anymore...:(.

What other ten-plus year old piece of hardware do you still use...? Need I mention AGP graphics cards...? Try using one of these today... HeadScratch
What other professional soundcard of similar age offers full 64 bit compatibility? I've done the research, and some manufacturers' driver support for devices from 2000 or before stops at beta drivers for XP....

Your PST (and the old Digi 9636/52) could still do a perfectly fine job in a 32 bit Windows 7 system. The fact that it is being "wasted" is your personal choice, not a given condition technically.
Besides, the programs that will profit most from a 64 bit system and additional RAM capacity, e.g. software samplers etc., will work much better with a modern card like the HDSPe AIO, which offers much lower latencies, where the PST is technically limited to 6 ms as lowest possible setting.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Greetings, Daniel,

It's no longer possible for me to work with a 32bit system because of the RAM limitation so the card is of no use, sadly really, as I really liked it and used it for a long time, no problems whatsoever, and the latency never bothered me.

I guess I just feel a little miffed as I've never been able to find out whether it is actually possible to write 64bit drivers for the card or whether it was decided to discontinue it for other reasons.

I'd like to come back to RME in the future, finances permitting, after all, you do have a great product(s).

With Respect,


Some of my 'stuff'.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Thanks for your answer. This "use an up-to-date hardware" is not really an option for me, I got this card used for a fairly high price, and I'm pretty sure that everyone that uses this card does for the same reason: because they cannot afford a new one. I bought this old one from a friend who could buy a new one this way. I myself cannot buy the new equivalent because in Hungary it's much more than my full monthly salary, It costs more than my PC would cost. We are the people that try to get the best out of what they can afford and we're waiting for the big money so we can buy the new stuff. And yes, i'm also pissed at Creative for not making a 64 bit driver for their older E-MU cards but at least they made a beta one, and besides their PCIe drivers work on PCI cards, and also at CME for the same reason, but at least my keyboard has a MIDI output besides the USB, so it's practically just an inconvenience.
So i know you don't really care about people who paid their last cents on a used RME card and trying to run pirated 64-bit software on it (well, I don't because I can't but I would if I could, i would even download hardware if I could, even goddamn airplane if it were possible), but still we are that few per cent of possible buying force that eventually buy the stuff when they get paid more for a better quality music, but the harder it is to make the music, the less chance we have. However we stand united and want to say: congratulations on making a product that still operates after 10 years.
Thanks for reading and please send me an RME HDSPe RayDAT for free.

I had to try smile

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Ok, I'm on Win7 32bit, using the DIGI9652. It's terrific with Cubase 6, but I can't get audio from a browser, or system sounds, etc.. It used to be fine in WinXP, but is there something I can do to hear browser/video audio, etc...? I can use Winamp as well, but nothing from a browser...

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Sorry, no. This requires WDM support, the DIGI series is only MME and ASIO.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Jeff wrote:

Sorry, no. This requires WDM support, the DIGI series is only MME and ASIO.

Thanks for the reply! So, in WinXP there was WDM support? I can live without (barely! lol) but was just hoping there some config I didn't know about. Thanks again!

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

No, XP used MME for system audio, and earlier iTunes versions, etc. used MME as well.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Thanks Jeff.. So would the new HDSP 9652 PCI Card have wdm support (which would be awesome, so I could use 64 bit 7, not that I can afford a new card...) or would it be just like the current config, with no browser/system sounds? I realize this is a little off topic by this point, lol..


Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

The HDSP all have WDM. But I would buy a HDSPe RayDAT instead...

Matthias Carstens

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

MC wrote:

I would buy a HDSPe RayDAT instead...

Because of the 4 x i/o or are there other reasons? I'm using 2 art tubeopto8's via lightpipe and a masterlink via spdif; would the sync between them be fine via adat?

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

PCIe is the standard going forward, PCI is nearly dead.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Is this the same drivers for my Vintage RME DIGI96/8 PST

I am about to install Windows 7 32bit

Thanks !

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Yes, it is.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

RME Support wrote:

Yes, it is.

Daniel Fuchs


Now I can use my PST for another 10 years perhaps - LOL

32 (edited by rockingmj 2012-09-18 13:26:19)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

i just upgraeded to Win7 32bit and im using the Digi9652 with ADI-8pro.
it was fine to play mp3 file when i used WinXp with Winamp player.
but now i can't find the outputs in Winamp player - preference -Nullsoft Directsound Output -configure.
i can see the outputs (ADAT1 to 8) in Nullsoft Waveout output though.
what did i miss? is there something to do set up in Win7?
please help me

Chino Kim

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

You'll need to get the ASIO output plugin for WinAmp, this card does not support WDM (DirectSound) apps.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

thanks a lot!
i got 1more question
my motherboard has digital out(optical),can i put this into ADAT AUX of ADI-8pro?
it works with my home theater but not with ADI-8pro..
i already tried with combine button
what should i do?
thanks for help

Chino Kim

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

No. The optical out on the computer is optical SPDIF, not ADAT. This cannot be used with the ADI-8.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

You'll need to get the ASIO output plugin for WinAmp, this card does not support WDM (DirectSound) apps.

So happy I found this info...
Old Hammerfall Digi9652 here and Windows 7 32 bit.
Haven't used Winamp in so long I forgot about it.
Can't believe it is still free. The asio driver is working great!
I'm able to click on a mix and hear it...again.

I will soon be jumping to 64bit.
I need PCIe with 16 adat optical ins/outs or
8 adat in/out and 8 analogue in that will work with external preamps.
What do you suggest?
Budget around $700.00
Probably have to go used if I want RME.


Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Hi there,

although this thread is quite old, it is one of the first which comes up with google, so I am posting here...
I've found an ASIO Plugin for Windows Media Player after someone mentioned the winamp plugin. It is found here:
Good luck! I am just working to set my DIGI9636 up under Windows 8.1...



Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Never heard of that before - thanks for the link!

Matthias Carstens

39 (edited by kawazoomer 2014-11-26 21:53:30)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

wolframd wrote:

Hi there,

although this thread is quite old, it is one of the first which comes up with google, so I am posting here...
I've found an ASIO Plugin for Windows Media Player after someone mentioned the winamp plugin. It is found here:
Good luck! I am just working to set my DIGI9636 up under Windows 8.1...


Did you get the Digi9632 working with Windows 8.1  32 bit ?

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Hi there,

I found this very old thread - apologies for replying to this, but it fits perfectly with my issue. I'm a very happy owner of the RME DIGI9636 card and it's awsome and have been using it for tons of years. But I am also now stuck on 32bit which is not great.

I am myself a software developer. Would you be willing to share the old source code for the 32bit driver and then I can attempt to convert it to 64bit?



Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Sorry, no. Move on to the 21st century and get yourself a PCIe version of it (RayDAT).

Matthias Carstens

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Seconding the source code request.  I'm sure a couple of us could easily update this code to work with Windows 64-bit.

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

How can you be sure?

64 compatibility requires 64 bit clean hardware. If the card in question isn't 64 bits clean, all bets are off.

Besides, RME's drivers work for all old hardware IF possible. The fact that here is no 64 bits driver for this card, seems to indicate, to me at least, that it isn't technically possible.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

tacit wrote:

Seconding the source code request.  I'm sure a couple of us could easily update this code to work with Windows 64-bit.

You're requesting RMEs "intellectual property" when requesting source code.

I don't think its possible for you to get sources.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

tacit wrote:

Seconding the source code request.  I'm sure a couple of us could easily update this code to work with Windows 64-bit.

You're requesting RMEs "intellectual property" when requesting source code.

I don't think its possible for you to get sources.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

cyrano wrote:

64 compatibility requires 64 bit clean hardware. If the card in question isn't 64 bits clean, all bets are off.

can you explain to us what "64 bit clean hardware" is?

cyrano wrote:

it isn't technically possible.

the following file from the linux kernel leads me to believe otherwise: … /rme9652.c

ramses wrote:

You're requesting RMEs "intellectual property" when requesting source code.

I understand that.  However, since the code is so old I figure it's worth a try at least.  I personally don't have the time or patience to port an ALSA driver to WDM/ASIO.  I'd at least take a crack at updating some working 32-bit driver code though.

47 (edited by Drums4Freaks 2019-11-14 06:19:53)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

Reviving this thread for a workaround idea, hoping someone can confirm if this could work.

We know the DIGI9652 and its drivers must be installed in a 32 bit OS, which is limited to 4Gb of RAM. In most situation of "flat" recording, this is enough. The issue is when we mix post-recording, we would like to use a max of RAM, as supported by 64 bits OS, without having to purchase a second computer.

I'm not a computer pro nor a studio gear guru, so this might not work for obvious reasons, but here is something I have been thinking about for a while. Let's say you have a Win 10 64 bits computer, fully loaded with lightning fast CPU and RAM and SSD drives. A charm for post-recording mixing. Could you install let's say a Win 7 32 bits OS in Virtual Machine (VM) in your 64 bits host and then the DIGI9652 drivers to the VM, and use the VM just for recording? Then switch the VM off when comes the time for post-recording mixing on your big 64 bits system? Though, it is clear that you would need another mean to playback your session from your 64 bits OS into your monitors (second sound card, audio interface, etc) since the DIGI9652 will be usable only under the 32 bits VM...

Can anyone confirm if this would work? If it wouldn't work, please explain why (I like to have rationales!). Thank you!

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

an anyone confirm if this would work? If it wouldn't work, please explain why (I like to have rationales!). Thank you!

The hardware needs to work on the host OS. So no.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

49 (edited by Drums4Freaks 2019-11-14 17:01:30)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

vinark wrote:

The hardware needs to work on the host OS. So no.

Oh no, really? So if I understand correctly, a VM is only for software. All hardware must be fully installed and functional under the host to be used under the guest, even though the proper 32 bits drivers are installed. Correct?

And what about a second bootable partition that would have a 32 bits OS installed? Does booting with that partition allow to use the card with that 32 bits OS?

Note that I don't really care if I can't use the card once booted on the 64 bits partition to mix post-recording...

50 (edited by vinark 2019-11-14 17:33:45)

Re: DIGI9652 with Win 7 64 bit

And what about a second bootable partition that would have a 32 bits OS installed? Does booting with that partition allow to use the card with that 32 bits OS?
Yes of course and that is a much better option then a VM even if it was possible. VM's have lower performance which is critical for audio. From a (small) ssd booting takes under a minute. Same as a VM in fact.

But would a second hand hdsp9632 or 9652 not be easier? I bought both as extras. For 130€ and 100 each.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632