Topic: Digiface sudden stereo panning problem

I noticed a mono signal in my current project was skewed slightly to the right, checked a track outside the DAW, same thing.

It suddenly flipped over to the left when I switched off my preamps, and now has flipped back to slightly right of centre.

Please help.

Re: Digiface sudden stereo panning problem

Maraskandi wrote:

I noticed a mono signal in my current project was skewed slightly to the right, checked a track outside the DAW, same thing.

It suddenly flipped over to the left when I switched off my preamps, and now has flipped back to slightly right of centre.

Please help.

Sounds like a totalmix routing issue.

Firstly I would check your panning. In submix mode select your stereo output (bottom row). Then check the panning on both the mic input (top row) and the software output (middle row).

Second I would check the matrix view. (press x in totalmix). Easy to see if the allocations are the same.

Thirdly, again in totalmix I would save your current setup (if you have made any changes) to preset 8 and then recall preset 1 in totalmix.

Your mono signal should only be in the left or right output.

Hope this helps,

Isaac P