Topic: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Hi folks

So I have had a multiface for the past year, and having used RME stuff before I am aware they can be sometimes a bit tetchy when starting up and sometimes can't click "into gear" so to speak.

So the unit was working fine until yesterday when i Changed my motherboard in my PC.

(I'm running Windows XP pro SP3)

after I had installed everything again, I found that even though the PCI card is recognised by device manager and it says it's working fine - the Red "HOST Error" LED is blinking. it's a steady blink.

DSP manager just says "Error" in the I/O Box

it's crazy because everything else is working fine on the PC, drivers all up to date etc..

I have read this can be a power issue? which seems strange as it never had this problem before, perhaps my new motherboard isnt able to output the current needed?

any and all help appreciated.

FYI the Multiface is running via firewire from an RME PCI card.

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Please test the MF with ano external power source. Or put the card into another slot.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking


I've tried with a proper 12V Switching power supply which delivers up to 2A of current.

Also tried changing the slots.

same results, blinking Red LED

am really at a loss..

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

I should add i've uninstalled and reinstalled a few times to try that as well

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Have you tried another FW cable?
How does the unit behave if you connect only external power?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

I have tried with another cable, same results.

if I unplug the firewire cable from the unit whilst it is flashing it continues to flash (with PSU plugged obv.)

If i then unplug the PSU and plug in again it shows solid red light and the optical outout port on the back is active

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Any ideas anyone before I ebay this thing?

8 (edited by Thermaltake 2012-09-27 08:14:12)

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Did you got DSP Mixer and DSP Settings load or they don't load at all when you are in win. ? If not then it's something wrong with drivers, what version of drivers are you using ?

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Hi, did you find a solution for your problem? I fear I am struggling with the same problem here :-(


10 (edited by jim2tall 2012-09-28 12:39:19)

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

DSP manager and mixer load.

this is what i see

I'm using the latest drivers. (2012)

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

What OS are you using did you flash your card to lastest firmware ?

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

windows XP

I've been using this box for 2 years with no problem.

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Weirdly and in true RME fashion i've left it unplugged for a couple of days..

now suddenly when the PC fires up it cycles between error/detected/connected..

any help with this new gremlin in the system?

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

I havent flash updated and i'm kind of scared to do so in this state

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

I had have the same problem, and I solved it!
It was the power supply. You mentioned that you checked yours.. But nevertheless, I took a new original RME power supply and everything works well now.. 


Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Ok I just bought a RME NTCB-EU let's see if that makes a diffrence

any more suggestions from RME HQ regarding the unit going haywire? kinda worried at this point.

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Let's wait and see  whether it works with the new PSU before we speculate, ok...? :-)

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

18 (edited by jim2tall 2012-10-10 15:52:18)

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

original enquiry re: ordering from RME

edit: unit will arrive tomorrow

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

We don't sell direct, sorry. You could, however, try the local distributor. You can also just grab a third-party PSU of specs like 9-12V, 2A.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

ok soo...

I got the proper power supply (for 40+ quid I might add)

Plugged it in, got the same results..

here's a video of what's going on.. it's going haywire.

21 (edited by Thermaltake 2012-10-22 19:51:51)

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Do you have PCI or PCMCIA card ? If you have PCI card try another slot on your computer maybe something is wrong there, if same then I really don't know, multiface usually only blinks red not green and red like yours do thats weird.

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking


I tried all the slots but i'm gonna keep trying a couple times.

I think at this point I have to sent for repair, thanks tho!

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking

Hey jim2tall, I am having the same problem as you (just like in the video) did you or somebody else find a solution or learned what is the problem?
Thank you!

Re: Multiface (1st version) red light blinking
